Building Relationships

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"Your paper is really good Allie." Callie said to her younger sister as the two were sitting at the older girls kitchen table before they would head over to Stef and Lena's. It was usual for Alice to visit her sister at least five times a week just to chat and talk about things for they both felt like they needed to make up for lost time and get to know each other even more.  The older girl was grateful at how well her younger sister was doing and had been doing and continued to do. Alice, thankfully, had no plans to go back to the life she once had and wanted to counsel girls like Stef and study education like Lena.  The two women along with her sister proved to be positive role models for her and helped her stay on a positive path. 

"You sure? Is it ok if I still  show it to Lena?"

"Definitely show it to Mama Lion. She can spot things no one on this earth can and will help you with grammar but overall it's really amazing. I'm so proud of you Allie."

"Thanks C. I'm trying. I really am. I mean school is hard but I'm working harder then I ever have in my life. I hope it shows."

"Oh it shows. It really does and we are all really proud of you."

"Thanks. I really owe it to Stef. I know I was shit to her in the beginning. Well to all of you. But thanks for taking time to help me too."

"Hey baby sis. I wasn't just going to let you fall to the wasteside. I wasn't because I love you and I promised to help you. I know I didn't directly help you but I knew my mom would." Smiling at her sister Callie hugged her hard as the younger girl hugged her back.

"No you helped me too. All of you did and you are so lucky C. You are so lucky you found Stef and Lena and that they adopted you. It must be nice to have two moms and two parents that love you." 

"Hey. They love you too and so do I. We all do Allie and you apart of our family. Understand? I promise you now that you don't need to be emancipated I will be able to adopt you. And we don't need to worry about Sheila. Ever again."

"Yeah it's just I wanted to ask you something and I didn't want to upset you." She said hesitantly for it was something she had wanted to bring up with Callie for a few months but just wasn't sure how to. The last thing she ever wanted to do was upset her older sister who would and who had done so much for her and continued to.

"Ok shot. You won't upset me." Callie said taking a seat beside her sister as the younger girl continued to look rather nervous. "It's ok sweets you can tell me. You know this Allie that you can say anything to me no matter what."

"Well, I love that you are my sister Cal. I really, really do. Even when I was having a hard time I did. And I want you to always, always be my sister."

"I will always be your sister Al. But what's up? MM talk to me it's ok I won't break."

"Well, do you think Stef and Lena would adopt me? So they could both be our moms?" Looking at her sister Callie wasn't really surprised at the question for she knew how close her sister had gotten to the two women and it really only made her smile for she was Allie's age when they adopted her.  "Nevermind it's dumb. Sorry I didn't mean to upset you or anything. I'm sorry."

"No, no it's not dumb. And I understand."

"You do?"

" Of course I do. I was your age when they adopted me and it was the happiest day of my life.  I really understand Allie because they are like no one else I've ever met and they are the best moms ever. Listen, I know you don't mean to hurt me and you aren't hurting me with this you just want me to remain you sister and not be your mom. I get that  I really do and it doesn't hurt me."

"I just want both of us to have moms  and have the same parents. I do and I love them like they are my moms. Even if I never said it. I love all of you really even Noah who acts like such a know it all sometimes."

"Ha! He can't help himself. But I have a feeling moms already know. So why don't you mention it to them? They won't bite."

"What if they say no?"

"I was scared of that too when I asked them to adopt me and they didn't. But I will warn you if you think mom is rough now wait until you have Adams Foster as your last name.  She will really be on your ass." Callie laughed as did Alice as well for she knew that would be true. However she didn't mind for she loved both women and she would soon find out just how far Stef would go for her.

"I don't expect anything less."

"Don't. Now lets get ready."

"Ok sis."


While Stef Foster was doing time in Chowchilla almost 15 years ago she had no idea, not one clue at all that a new transfer was someone she was related to. Of course the transfer knew very well who she was but Sharon Foster had kept an extremely low profile. Aside from going by a different name the woman had landed in jail for reasons no better then her daughters. Maybe appearing to be rather timid and shy she was anything but that and had a reputation in the Oregon prison she had been in. A reputation much like her daughters even if she didn't run a gang of girls she had her own way of controlling people. Once transferred to Chowchilla she blended in the best she could all the while watching the Lion's Den from afar.

From the outside it would seem Stef was like her father and she was in many ways but she was also very much like her mother. Controlling, aggressive, not to be messed with and a strong leader. Yes Frank kicked her ass when the kids were little much like Frankies father beat up Stef but Sharon was anything but weak. Infact she was far from it. After she left her husband and kids behind, Sharon had stolen a substantial amount of money from him and went off with another man and family. Of course that didn't last for she didn't know anything about living a normal life. She stole, she embezzled from her job and coned more people then even she could keep track of. But what landed her in jail? Well the same thing that landed her daughter, Lena and Callie in jail. Manslaughter for she too had killed the man she had been with.



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