BBQ Talks

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"So you have a full house." Mama Rose said smiling at her daughter and holding her hand as they watched the kids play around  in the backyard at the family barbecue. Despite all the craziness they still found time to be together enjoy each others company as much as they could.

"Mama seems we always have a full house." The blonde said laughing. "Once one moves out another moves in. It's sweet thought I don't mind it."

"Yeah well it's a nice thing to have family around and be surround by kids and grandkids."

"It really is I must say. They are my reason for everything. And my wife of course." She said smiling as the slim woman walked by and Stef couldn't help but wink at her for that very morning they had some quick intense sex in the bathroom. It was their usual and they fucked whenever they could even if they only had a few minutes to spare most of the time.

"Jude seems to be doing well as a father. Seems he really loves it."

"Oh he does. Goodness does he love that little girl mama. It's the sweetest. And so is she. Looks just like Olivia too." The blonde said taking a sip of her water.

"I see you too in there. She has those hazel eyes like you and Frankie. Intense."

"Ha!This is true. She's such a sweetie. And I'm grateful Frankie is doing well. I mean she's in these advanced classes with Mariana and seems to really wanna do this music thing."

"She has a passion for it."

"Yeah she does. So she's going to work for a year and take a few classes at the community college and see where she goes from there. I'm not gonna force her to go to college. Maybe I thought differently about it before. I honestly don't remember."

"That's ok. Having a stroke and losing your memory is no joke baby. But you gained a very good portion of it back. Ya know that is not something I wanted us to have in common."


"Having a stroke."

"Yeah I know. I guess it was life's way of telling me to take better care of myself, listen to my body and to calm the fuck down. I'm trying and sometimes it's a bit of a challenge. Especially when one of these kids acts damm stupid."

"Ha! Well that is to be expected. You know how children are no matter what age."

"This is true."

"But I've noticed the change in you. You have mellowed out bit."

"Ha not too much I hope. Can't have these kids thinking they can fucking walk all over me."

"I don't think that will ever be the case honey and I don't think any of them will ever think that."

"Better not. But truth is mama I learned I have no choice if I plan on being around to take of my wife and these babies. Things went to shit when I got sick. Look at Callie mama. Even if my wife swears I had nothing to do with it I can't say I agree with her.  The trauma of my stroke and possibly loosing me did something to her. It affected her more then anyone in this family."

"You don't really know that honey. Callie had this her entire life. The accumulation of things could have done it. Her life before Chowchilla, in Chowchilla. I know she's gone to therapy but has she ever really dealt with her past. Ever?"

"Well I mean we took her to therapy when we got out of jail,  and it seemed she was dealing with her past well. We also  got her help after struggling with postpartum after Andrew. But how was this missed? How did she go this long. I don't get it. What did I do wrong to miss it?"

"It's a tough thing to diagnose. None of us are and sometimes even doctors miss it."

"It's just killing me. I don't know where she is or where she goes. And when she comes back she's I don't know. Gone. I can't imagine what she's doing out there but  it can't be good. Not at all and I just want to take her and lock her inside and not let her out."

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now