Seeing Mama

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"You know I love having breakfast with my daughters. Anytime babies." Mama Rose said as Stef and Lena sat at the older woman's table sipping on coffee. It was their tradition to have breakfast with her at least once a week to catch up on life and the craziness of it. Even if Stef was now in her mid 40's she still appreciated her more then anyone for she had been the mother Stef never had. Lena too was grateful for her and always would be just as she was for Dana and Stuart. It had been almost six years since the woman's stroke and the blonde made sure to check up on her even more.

"We do too. So how you feeling mama?" The blonde asked sipping on her coffee.

"I'm good. Stronger then ever. Alice keeps me on my toes ya know. Me and Stuart."

"Oh I bet she does." Lena said smiling.

"She behaving?" The blonde asked.

"Very much so. She looks forward to Sunday dinners you know at your home and with her sister. That really keeps her going. I think we all keep her going. Seriously that girl just needed love and her anger that really subsided."

"She had tons of it and just didn't know where to put it all. Which we understood. But thank you for letting her stay here. It's been so good for her."

"It was a pleasure. I'm glad we could and honestly she's a good girl. She goes to school, goes to her little job at Starbucks, studies. She wants to make something of herself. Said she wants to be like all of you and Callie."

All Stef could do was smile as well as Lena for it was true Alice Jacobs had come further then anyone would ever predict and she would continue to as she was approaching her 19th birthday soon.  Alice had no idea but Callie and the family were planning a small party for her the first one she would ever have.

"And that's because of you baby. You have a way with these girls."

"That she does Mama Rose. She has helped so many. More then anyone at the center."

"Well the next one on my list is Mariana."

"Oh goodness. How is she doing?" Mama Rose asked looking worried as did Lena.

"Bad. I hope we can do something soon." Lena said. "It's heartbreaking to see because she was such a sweet girl."

"What she needs is a  good ass whooping that's for damm sure. And if I had it my way she would never leave the fucking house in life. I'd ground her just like I did Frankie for four years. Maybe longer because she has lost her fucking mind. But who the fuck knows if that would even work anymore. She's far off the deep end."

"That's unfortunate. It really is. And Peaches still won't accept help huh?"

"Well when we go over she pretends she's not home. And she doesn't answer our calls." Lena admitted.

"Yeah because she knows we will call her out for fucking up baby. She knows and she knows she's not doing right by either of those kids. Frankie went over the other day and said the place was a fucking wreck and usual and she had some man over. Plus Mari didn't go to school and went out with what's his fucking face in the red car.  I already told him once to leave her the fuck alone and he thinks I'm kidding. He has no idea. None."

"That is so unfortunate. But tell me. Is it true Peaches she still talks to Roxy?"

"Oh yeah she does. After all that and I don't fucking get it. One bit. She lost her mind."

Lena could only shake her head for it was unfortunate. It really was.

"I always felt bad for Judy when Mike left her for Peaches. Didn't make much sense to me. Nice woman."Mama Rose said taking a sip of her own coffee.

"Have to agree with you on that but seemed my brother wanted a piece of young ass. They  never had much in common and when she got better she fucked one guy after the other."

"Stef." Lena reprimanded.

"What babe it's true. She fucked half the neighborhood and even some of his friends at the precinct."

"Oh lord." Mama Rose said shaking her head. "She really is very much misguided and needs help with those kids."

"I think she needs a fucking wake up call. That's what I think."

"Yes that too. And what does Mike say about it?"

"Nothing. He takes Mariana out from time to time but she pretty much hates him." Mama Rose could only feel bad for the young teen. She really did as she tried to bring up a better topic one that wouldn't depress all of them so much. 

"Well on another note how are Frankie, Noah, baby Stef, little Andrew, Jude and Callie?"

"Frankie is doing well as you know mama. Noah is doing really good in school and making every honor roll there is. Baby Stef she is pretty much attached to me."

"Ha! That was always the case. Still prefers living with the both of you?" 

"Yes. But Callie comes over everyday and takes her out on weekends." Lena said. "Andrew of course loves his Yaya too. Jude is doing well and Callie too. They all really are."

"I'm so glad. I really am."

"Yeah but are you  ok mama?" The blonde asked noticing how tired Mama Rose had looked the last few visit.

"Yes I told you I'm fine Stefanie. Now stop worrying so much. It' been more then five years since my stroke and they say I'm fine."

"It's my job to worry mama. I just want to make sure you are ok."

"Lena please tell your wife I'm ok. Because she is making me insane."

"Baby she seems ok to me. She does alot with choir and everything."

"Yeah ok mama. You give me some of that load if it becomes too much. Hear me?"

"Yes my girl. I promise. And look there she is the hard worker." Seeing Alice walk in the front door in her Starbucks uniform she happily smiled when she saw both Stef and Lena at the table and  instantly walked over and hugging them.

"Hi Mama Lion! Hi Mama Stef." 

"Hey sweetness. How you doing?" The blonde asked returning the warm hug as Alice gave Lena one as well. Sometimes it was hard to believe this was the same girl who had stabbed Stef, tried to jump her, spit in her face numerous times, and cursed her out endlessly.

"Tired but good. Worked overnight."

"Yeah? I remember those hours. They are rough as hell."

"Yeah it was. But I'll probably take a nap now, and get up and study. Have an exam next week."

"That  sounds good sweetheart. I'm glad to hear it baby."

"Yeah. Mama Lion do you mind checking over my paper when you have time? I just want to make sure it sounds ok."

"Sure I'd love to honey.  Bring it over tomorrow ok?"

"Cool. I'm gonna shower Mama Rose."

"Sure honey. Go on."

"Ok. See you both tomorrow."

"Sure sweets." Stef could only smile as Alice returned it like she always did with such a similar smile to Callie. In fact since she had changed Alice really did remind her of Callie when she first met her and at times it melted her heart. It did for the girl was nearly 30 and sometimes that was a hard pill to swallow no matter what. All her kids growing up was hard but she had adjusted much better then anyone predicated. Even Lena.

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