Notes on the Hermits

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So, When I think of the hermits I always think that they have certain quirks and things about them, Not all the hermits are here because either there’s nothing I need to add about them or I just don’t know the hermits.

Let’s get on with it!

    -Is really short
    -Can basically put up with anything
    -Very playful + mischievous,
    -he overthinks things and worries about what people will think.
    -loves annoying people.
    -has actual wings (instead of elytra)

    -Likes to tease the others (sometimes doesn’t realise he’s going too far)
    -Can be really kind and caring but acts sarcastic and a bit thick sometimes.
    -loves physical contact

    -Is a spoon and all too happy to admit it.
    -Very tall
    -usually grian’s main target,
    -not very good with words,

    -Always has Jellie with him
    -Doesn’t like compromising
    -Loves Disney
    -loves a joke,
    -not great at organisation.

    -Sometimes acts like Scar’s caretaker
    -More reasonable than Scar.
    -Some people think that he loves cake too much.
    -Will not hesitate to experiment new potions/experiments on unsuspecting hermits
    -he will do anything to protect scar.

    -Loves baking (Especially cookies)
    -Has a very high cold tolerance
    -Loves everyone and always tries to be happy
    -has an emotional range of happy-really really happy
    -Very persistent but only because she wants to help.

    -Will burn down the world to protect her friends
    -Very calm and collected
    -Won’t hesitate to help someone in need
    -has very fast reactions and can be intimidating

    -Is a zombie
    -Zombies and drowned don’t attack her unless she attacks them
    -A great listener
    -very good at fiddly stuff, very patient.

    -Usually very calm
    -When he loses his temper he will always apologise
    -Doesn’t actually wear the armour for a practical purpose, just for the aesthetic
    -He can be a bit dumb sometimes (except in admin stuff)
    -he cares about the hermits a lot, he hates seeing them struggle.

    -Loves stress’s cookies
    -Wears the helmet because he thinks people will judge him because of his eye colour.
    -Gets upset and gives up easily
    -has a really short temper
    -Acts super sarcastic and mean but has a good heart
    -Doesn’t handle emotions well at all
    -Stress is basically his only good friend

    -kinda tall
    -Loves everyone
    -Really likes hugs
    -Has dog ears and tail bc why not?
    -he likes messing with people.

    -Very tall
    -Is half creeper half-robot
    -Doesn’t handle feelings well but tries to be supportive
    -he is very smart.

    -Always uses big words (the words get bigger the angrier/more worked up he gets) (why i’ll never write in his perspective lol)
    -Acts like a dad

    -Rarely comes out of his vault.
    -Can be trusted with anything
    -Usually really nice to talk to but not everyone gets his humour

    -quite cocky
    -has a prank-y funny side
    -A Demon again bc why not?
    -quite chill.
    -likes winding people up.

    -An angel,
    -likes to annoy Tango.
    -He is quite mischievous.

    -Is a human who has an angel and a demon for his best friends.
    -generally going around stopping Zedaph and Tango from arguing.
    -quite patient and calm, very smart,

    -Is a slime (obviously)
    -He will melt if he gets stressed/too hot.
    -quite chill most of the time.


    -can and will exploit you.
    -they enjoy testing potions and magic on other poeple.
    -Very rich.

    -Not good at actually getting work done.
    -Just mess about most of the time
    -Mumbo and iskall do redstone while grian just annoys them.

   -Impulse is always trying to stop Zedaph and Tango from arguing
    -they generally just muck about.


Server hub
    -This world is basically the connection between servers, it pretty much has everything our world has (shops and housing wise)
    -There are commands in this world and you use them similar to the in-game chat.

    -There are different types of servers:
         Bigger servers. Which anyone can join easily (eg, Hypixle or Hive)
         Small servers, which are whitelisted, players can only join if they are invited (eg Hermitcraft, Evo)
         Private worlds, Singleplayer worlds owned and run by one person, people can be invited onto this world. (eg mumbo’s redstone test world)

    -here is where i advertise the fact that my oneshot book has a 100% no hermit permadeath guarantee! Therefore, there is actually no need for this section of the headcannons! (if the chapter does have permadeath enabled i will specify (my guarantee still stands though!))

I hope you enjoyed my ideas lol

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