Day 1: snow day

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I'm moving these from my prompts book onto here :)

These prompts are on HermittpadRecap

Go check them out!

I'm going to do my best to keep up with this!

I only have 10 minutes to post this before it's December 2nd so i'ma do that quickly!

I hope you enjoy my (kinda) dark twist on a happy prompt!

It was late at night when the light snow began to fall. Nothing more than a slight dusting of snow was beginning to coat th glass outside of Grian's base. 

Grian smiled, looking at the snowflakes dancing slowly over his base. He leapt into his bed, snuggling into the covers. He fell asleep thinking of all the fun that the Hermits could have in the morning. A snow day was coming.

A snow day indeed.


All the Hermits woke up to the same message from Xisuma flashing red on their communicators, a message marked the highest level of importance.

A message about the severity of the giant snowstorm that had enveloped the whole of the Hermitcraft server overnight. The danger of flying with temperatures at -20°C and below, plus almost three feet of snow all in one night, and more to come. It seemed that each hermit was stuck. 

Grian flew out of the top of his base. Disregarding the urgent message as should have been expected. As he flew towards the main island, he felt a layer of frost coat his face, and his wings. It's that cold? Grian thought to himself, as he began losing altitude, he didn't notice though, as all he could see what's the white gleam of the snow still falling around him. 

Grian crash landed outside of Sahara. His wings were frozen, and he could barely feel his hands and feel, 

How Ironic, was all Grian could think of, Sahara's a desert and I have a high chance of freezing to death on it's grounds.


XiSuma was double checking the shopping district for trapped hermits, anyone who hasn't seen, or listened to his warning this morning. He was about to leave, his last stop was Sahara, looking as little like the desert as he thought was possible. 

He went around, searching the grounds, he was about to leave when he noticed some red amongst the snow, he walked over to find a hermit with a red sweater hdaf buried in the snow. it was obviously Grian, who else would you expect, and he was out cold. (Get it?)

X frantically dug Grian out of the snow using his hands. He scooped him up as soon as he was free and took off using his elytra, flying straight into the nether portal.

X lay Grian down flat on the warm netherrack he had bits of snow and ice all through his hair and on his face. X knew that it was almost -20°C in the overworld at the moment, so Grian might have died if X hadn't found him. 

The snow and ice was melting and evaporating off of Grian as they sat in the nether. It was about half an hour in when Grian's eyes fluttered open.

"Grian!" X said, hugging the smaller hermit, "You're ok!" 

"X? W-where are we?" Grian asked, 

"We're in the nether, do you remember anything?" X asked.

"Y-yeah, I ignored your warning like the idiot I am.. I-I was flying and my wings froze… I crash landed in Sahara, then I p-passed out now I'm here…" 

"Yeah, that's basically what happened." X confirmed, hugging Grian again, surprising the hermit, "I'm sorry, i-i thought you were going to die…" 

"I'm ok now though." Grian said, hugging X back.

"Tomorrow's going to be one hell of a snow day." X said, Grian burst out laughing.

"One hell of a snow day." Grian repeated with a smile.

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