Online learning

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A highschool AU, based on recent events lol, there's some cursing (like 1 word) blame Doc.


Some of the hermits were eager for the video lesson, it was the first one in lockdown, a few weeks after it had begun. They hadn't been doing it since the school was just adapting for online work, but now they'd started up.

"So, Mambo, are you excited for the meeting?" Iskall asked Mumbo, they were on a voice call over discord, it was about twenty minutes before the meeting, they probably should have been doing their other subject's work, but that didn't phase them.

Mumbo groaned, "No I'm not. I've been slacking, and my hair is a mess- my moustache isn't perfect..."

"You'll be fine dude, it doesn't matter if your moustache is out of place." Iskall laughed.

He sighed again, changing the subject, "Have you talked to Grian at all? Or Scar?"

"Not since last week when Grian called me after not being able to help stop Scar stressing over math work," Iskall said, Mambo could practically feel the eye roll.

"Well, I'm going to go and see if I can turn myself into a half presentable wreck of a human being, see ya," Mumbo said.

"Cya," Iskall said with a hm, before hanging up the call.

(20 minutes later)

"Right, now we're all here, we can start." The teacher started the call with a smile, "It's great to be able to see all your faces again! I wanted to start off today's lesson by asking how you're all doing?"

"Well quarantine sucks and I feel like shit," Doc said simply, leaning back on his chair.

"Watch the language please, Doc, or you'll be in detention."

"You can't give us detention Sir, we're at home." Iskall pointed out.

The teacher thought for a second, "Please just act as you would in school, Ok, Cleo, take off your hood please."

"But I don't want to," Cleo replied with a huff, pulling the hood further over her face.

"C'mon guys, give him a break-" Joe said, "We're barely five minutes in..."

"Thank you, Joe." The teacher said with a nod, "Now, would anyone else like to say anything before we get started?"

"I like doors." Grian inputted very helpfully into the conversation.

"I found a diamond flavoured frying pan and it's the best thing- you can lick them-" Scar said, going off on a rant about how good diamonds tasted.

Bdubs put his head in his hands, "Not this again-"

"Alright class, let's actually get on with the lesson now, shall we?" The teacher said with a nervous laugh.

"How do you even know what diamonds taste like?" Cub asked Scar, ignoring the teacher completely.

"Oh, my mum has this diamond ring that she keeps in a box, I licked it- it's delicious."

"What the fu-" Tango started, before being interrupted by the teacher.

"Everyone be quiet!" The teacher commanded, they stopped talking, though Cub was still looking confused on why Scar licked things.

"Has everyone got the homework I set in preparation for this lesson?" the teacher asked, most of the class looked around nervously.

"I have it!" Joe said, holding up the few sheets of work.

"Uh-" Ren looked around, "My dog- ate it."

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