Gone too far.

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DEATH IS PERMANENT. (on the Hermitcraft server for this One-shot)

Scar flew from his base, trying to keep his tears at bay, his eyes were glazed over and his vision was fuzzy from the tears so he couldn’t see where he was going but he didn’t need to see, he had flown to Cub’s base so many times he could do it blindfolded.

Scar stumbled on the ground when he landed but carried on running towards Cub’s base, when he arrived tears were streaming down his face and he could barely stand, he burst in through the door and fell ono the floor sobbing.


Cub stood up when he heard a crash from downstairs, He dashed down the ladder to see Scar, crumpled on the floor sobbing.

“Scar!” Cub said, running over to him, kneeling down on the floor next to him. “What happened?”

Scar lifted his head up, his eyes were wide with fear and there were tears running down his face. He shuffled closer to Cub and wrapped his arms around Cub’s waist, burying his face in his coat and started sobbing again.

Cub put his arms around Scar, patting his back reassuringly.with one hand, he was running his fingers through Scar’s hair with the other, comforting him while he cried.

The pair held each other like this until Scar had stopped crying. Now he was clinging to Cub’s lab coat and trembling like a leaf.

“Hey, Scar? I’m gonna pick you up ok?” Cub said. Scar gave no response except tightening his grip on Cubs coat. 

Cub scooped Scar up off the floor and took him over to the sofa. Cub gently put Scar down and sat next to him. Scar cuddled up to Cub, holding his waist tight, he was no longer crying.

"Scar… can you tell me what happened?" Cub asked, stroking Scar's hair. 

"I-I-" Scar stuttered, then shook his head, burying his face in Cub's coat again.

"You know, if Grian has something to do with this I'll find a way to turn him into a rat." Cub said, making Scar laugh slightly, the laugh was small and shaky and his face fell instantly afterwards..

"I-I- w-was going int-to m-my base…" Scar said, "A-and I st-stood on a-a p-pressure p-p-plate…" 

Scar was trembling, Cub hugged him and rubbed his back. Scar gave him a small grateful smile although his eyes were still filled with fear. 

"I-I- heard T-TNT s-so I r-ran into m-my cave…" Scar said. "B-but- I f-fell i-into a h-hole, w-which was c-completely w-white, I-it s-scared m-me, s-so I panicked and r-ran forward, b-but-" 

Scar stopped, tears falling from his eyes. Scar quickly wiped them from his face with his sleeve.

“B-but I fell, into a d-dark tunnel a-and there were l-loads of m-mobs.. I almost d-d-died…” 

“Don’t worry Scar…” Cub said, hugging scar with all his strength, “You’re safe now. Who did it?”

“G-grian… T-there was a sign i-in my b-base.” Scar replied.

“I won’t let Grian scare you like that again.” Cub said.

The two sat there hugging for a long time. After a while, Scar had stopped shaking and his breathing was even again. Cub was absent-mindedly playing with Scar’s hair when he realised that Scar had fallen asleep resting on his shoulder. Cub smiled and sat up, going to stand up when he felt a hand on his wrist.

“Stay…” Murmured Scar, half asleep. Cub smiled again and sat back down properly, falling asleep himself.

I just had this idea and thought it would be cute.

Anyone got any ideas I could write?

Anyways I hope you enjoyed, this was the first sad thing I ever wrote, I hope it was ok so give me feedback

I hope ye liked it!

Have a π!


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