Day 4: Fireplace

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-for this prompt I'm going to say that the dragon bros aren't wearing the heads, just for convenience-

A group of eight hermits were in Stress’s Ice castle, they had met up to make Christmas decorations for the shopping district Christmas tree, which would be going up in a few days time, they didn't worry about half of their group being on the dead team, they had all guaranteed that they wouldn't die because of them today, 

Her and Iskall had finished putting up the lights around the Iceberg biome last night, and she had invited some other hermits around.

“Has anyone seen Ren?” Doc asked, sat at the table, surrounded by brightly coloured paper chains, which were everywhere, “He was going to help me with these.”

“Speaking of Ren being missing,” Iskall said, (he had been making little hanging paper angel ornament things) “Where's Grian?”

“And Scar’s gone too.” Cub said. 

“Now you mention it, I haven’t seen them in a while.” Stress said, coming into the room with a fresh batch of cookies, “I know they arrived though, I saw them earlier.”

“Yeah me too.” Said Cleo. who had been decorating salt-dough ornaments which she had made the night before, “They’re definitely in here somewhere.”

"Well I'm sure that they'll turn up at some point.* Stress said, sitting down and getting some icing pens, beginning to decorate her cookies.

90 minutes later

"Do you guys think that we should go find Ren, Grian and Scar?" Asked Cleo

"Maybe, they've been gone for over an hour and a half." Stress said. 

"Yeah, come on." Said Doc.

The five hermits split up to look for the last two around the castle, Stress and Doc started on opposite ends of the top floor and Iskall, Cub and Cleo did the same at the bottom.

Doc and Iskall bumped Into each other outside of the door to the library, 

"Is this the last room?" Doc asked.

"Yeah, come on." Iskall said, opening the door into the room.

The first thing that Iskall noticed about the room was that it was warm, so much warmer than the rest of the castle. He felt like he'd just stepped into summer. The next thing he noticed was the source of warmth, a giant fireplace which contained a roaring fire, casting a flickering warn glow across the room. In front of the fire was a large red sofa.

Iskall walked around the sofa, on the other side were three hermits, huddled up asleep in front of the fire like cats. Grian was lying in the middle, and the two grey-skins were clinging to him. Iskall smiled, looking at the three, Ren’s cloak hood had fallen down and his ears were twitching happily. Iskall smiled, the three looked adorable.

“Are they-” Doc said, coming over before iskall silently shushed him.

“They’re asleep.” Iskall whispered.

“Should we wake them up? The alive shouldn’t be hugging the dead.” Doc whispered.

“What?” Iskall whispered., “No! Ren and Scar are probably hugging him because he’s warm, and anyway, I thought we weren’t segregating here!”

Doc frowned,

“Come on, let’s go tell the others we found them.” Iskall said.

Doc grumbled but followed Iskall out of the room, they went back into the big main hall where they had decided to meet back up.

“Any luck?” Asked Stress as they came in through the door.

“Yep, we found all of them.” Iskall said, “They’re in the library.”

“Then why didn’t you bring them back here?” Asked Cub.

“They’re asleep, in the library.” Doc said.

“Oh well.” Cleo said, 

“We were almost done here anyway.” Stress said, “How’s about I make hot chocolate and we can all go to the library and hang out for a bit.”

“Sounds good.” Cleo said.

“We’ll meet you there.” Doc said. Stress nodded and headed off into the kitchen to make some hot chocolate for the group while the rest followed Doc and Iskall down to the library.


“I need a picture of this!” Cub said, smiling evilly as he took pictures of the three hermits sleeping on the floor.

“Cub!” Iskall whispered, “Shut up, you’ll wake them up!”

“Oh come on Iskall, they look like they wouldn’t wake up to the world exploding.” Cleo said.

Iskall looked at them, they were still like they were when he had left them earlier, he moved to sit on one of the armchairs near the sofa, Cleo, Cub and Doc sat on the sofa, careful not to accidentally kick Scar, who was lying closest to the sofa.

They all heard the door open and close, then Stress walked over with a tray full of steaming mugs of hot chocolate with marshmallows which she put down on a side table.

“Aww! They’re so cute!” She said, sitting down in an armchair opposite Iskall.

“I know!” Iskall said, “I think Scar and Ren just needed a hug, you know, being dead.”

“Hey! Does that mean I get a hug too?” Stress asked.

“Yeah and me!” Cub said. Cleo got up and hugged them both.

“There ya go.” Cleo said, sitting back down. Cub smirked, and reached down, swiping Scar’s hat off of his head and placing it on his own, making everyone laugh.

“You look absolutely ridiculous.” Iskall said, laughing.

Scar turned, half asleep and batted at Cub’s legs, 

“Gimme my hat!” He whined, making everyone fall into chaotic laughter. Scar fell back asleep after Cub put his hat back and everyone kept talking and drinking their hot chocolate.

My longest one yet!

My next one might be longer, I'm basically rewriting a book, so that'll be fun!


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