happy new year!

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Some fluffy Scarian stuff for new years!

Happy new year by way.

Warning: shipping!


Grian and Scar sat on the top of Grian’s massive base, watching as fireworks erupted over the shopping district.

“Aren’t they beautiful” Grian said.
“Yeah, but not the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Scar said, with a small smile.
“What would that be then?” Grian asked teasingly, but Scar blushed and looked away, “Aww, your cute.”

Scar hit him on the arm, “Sh-shut up.”
“Aww come on!” Grian said, giving Scar the quirky smile he loved, making him blush again, his face lit up by the fireworks,

“Hey… You know what time it is?” Grian said.
“It’s about ten seconds to midnight, why?” Scar replied,
“Because! Countdown!” Grian yelled.
“Ok,” Scar said, looking at his communicator, “5.”
“4!” Grian replied.
“3,” Scar said.
“2,” Grian said, seeming a bit more conflicted now, as if he was making a decision.
“1.” Scar said. They watched as the larger display of fireworks was lit off in the shopping district, which lit up the sky in a million colours,
“Happy new year!” Grian cheered, leaning in to hug Scar, who smiled, widely and hugged him back.

Grian pulled away from the hug and looked at Scar, he looked beautiful in the light of the fireworks, his face lit up in blues, reds, greens and purples. Slivers, golds and yellows.
“Hey… you know I said earlier that the fireworks weren’t the most beautiful thing i ever saw?” Scar said.
“That’s because the most beautiful thing I ever saw… Is you.” Scar said. Grian blushed a deep red.
“I-” Grian said, lost for words, he liked Scar as well, but how was he supposed to say that?
“I’m- I’m sorry, was that too forward? I-”
Grian cut Scar off by leaning in and kissing him quickly on the lips, before pulling away.
“You’re the most beautiful thing i ever saw too.” Grian said, smiling at Scar, who was now also blushing a deep red colour.

The two sat there, huddled up against each other for warmth for most of the night. Grian had gotten them hot chocolate at one point. They spent the time watching the fireworks. When the fireworks stopped they stayed on the roof. Chatting and laughing, playing hand games like rock paper scissors,

They sat together, neither at all bored, until the sun began to peep over the horizon. The two watched the sunrise, Grian testing his head on Scar's shoulder, while Scar wrapped his arms tightly around Grian. 

Today's lesson: writing fluff is almost as hard as writing angst!

But this was still cute. And I enjoyed writing it.

So..... I hope you enjoyed!



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