Day 14: Wrapping presents.

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Follow on from the Christmas shopping one

Iskall and Grian sat in the Sahara meeting room getting ready to wrap Christmas presents. Mumbo was supposed to be here but, as expected, he was late again. He had promised he would be there.

"Alright, should we do Cub and Scar's first?" Grian asked Iskall.
"Shouldn't we wait for Mumbo?" Iskall asked.
"I'm here!" Mumbo yelled, flying awkwardly into the room through the window and landing less than gracefully on his button chair.
"That's that problem solved then." Grian said, "So… who's wrapping what?"
"I'll wrap up Cub's" Iskall said, you guys do Everyone else's, then we'll do Scar's together."
"Sounds good." Mumbo said.
"Let's do this!"  Grian said, grabbing one of the rolls of wrapping paper and some sellotape,

They began wrapping up all the presents, Iskall finished wrapping Cub's present and joined them.

Grian has that sneaky look on his face, Iskall watched him as he snuck up behind mumbo with a large piece of wrapping paper. He quickly put it over mumbo's face, using some sellotape to stick kjit there.
"Argh! Grian!' mumbo yelled, ripping at the paper, he managed to get his face free of rapping and then he threw a ball of paper at Grian, hitting him in the face. Grian grabbing some paper and scrunching it up, throwing it at Iskall getting him involved in this wrapping paper war.

Soon there was wrapping paper in balls everywhere, the three Architechs were worn out and laughing their heads off, they had used up one of their four rolls of paper, two had been used up before the war started so they only had one roll left.
"A-alright." Iskall said, laughing, "we need to wrap these presents."
"Yeah." Grian said, sitting down in his giant chair again, beginning to continue wrapping presents.

This is short, weird and late but do I care? No.

I hope you enjoyed!


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