Evil gone good (6)

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"Cub, we shouldn't be doing this!" Whispered Scar, Cub turned to face him from where he had been watching Grian and EX from behind the corner of a building.

"Scar," Cub said, "We have to do this, Everyone else trusts him! You know how much danger this server is in because EX is here? See he's already corrupted Grian!" 

Scar looked down, contemplating this, finally, he nodded.

"Your right Cub." Scar said, Cub nodded and took out his communicator, which he used to film the two talking about cookies, once he had got the film he needed, Cub turned back to Scar.

"Ok, I've sent that to you, I want to you go around and convince as many hermits as possible, I'll do the same." Cub explained.

"What about X and Stress?" Scar asked.

"Avoid them like the plague."

"Got it." 

Scar went around, trying to convince as many hermits as possible, most were already sceptical about EX's trustworthiness so they weren't too difficult to convince. At the end of the day, Scar had convinced almost all of the hermits, avoiding the three who were already with EX. Stress, Xisuma and Grian.

Stress flew across the shopping district towards EX's house, she had just been told by Iskall some rumour that was being spread about EX. When she arrived at his small wooden cottage she saw a small group of hermits standing outside the house, in front of the group she saw EX with his back against the door.

Stress flew in and landed in front of EX, 

"What's going on here?" She asked.

"We're trying to find out why he tried to blow up concorp!" Impulse said.

"And Sahara!" Said Mumbo.

"Alright alright, calm down loves." Stress said, trying to calm everyone down, "We'll be right back."

Stress turned around and grabbed EX wrist and dragged him into the house, shutting the door behind her.

"What happened love?" Stress asked EX, who looked like he was about to cry.

"I don't know! They're all just accusing me of stuff I never did!" EX yelled, "And they won't believe me!"

"I believe you love, wait here, I'm going to call Grian and X, We'll sort this out."

EX nodded, Stress took out her communicator and sent an urgent message to Grian and X

"Need Help, EX's house, I'll explain when you get here." She typed.

Grian replied almost instantly, "On my way."

"Grain's on his way, love." Stress said.

The sound of fireworks being lit off announced Grian's arrival, Stress ducked out of the house and returned moments later dragging a confused Grian behind her.

"What's going on?" Grian asked, "Why is there a mob of angry hermits outside of your house?"

"You haven't heard?" Asked Stress.

"No? Mumbo said something about Sahara and bombs but I was to busy singing the AFK song in my head to pay attention."

"Someone has been spreading some mean rumours that EX tried to blow up Sahara and Concorp, everyone is going crazy but it isn't true." Stress explained.

"Oh, well I know it's not true, I was with EX almost all day, I had just got back to my base twenty minutes ago when you messaged me." 

"That's what we need!" Stress exclaimed, "Proof! Proof you didn't do it!, Grian, we need to go out there and you need to tell them that." 

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