Welcome to Hellmitpad.

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WoAh, what's this?

I actually uploaded a chapter in this book!?

Well that's thanks to the recap 30 days of Quarantine prompts!

Here's the first one!

Day 1: Hermits finding Hermittpad.


Cub and Scar stepped out of the hermitcraft portal after finishing a few pranks on the server together, needing a break, Scar leant on cub, laughing like a madman.
"It's so funny-" He said between laughs, "They actually thought we were taking over the server-"
"Yes, it was hilarious, now we need to find something to do without getting lost."
"You're right, let's go that way." Scar said, pointing.

The pair wandered around the portal hub for about half an hour before they eventually admitted that they were hopelessly lost.
"What do we do now?" Scar whined,
"It's your fault we're lost you know." Cub said.
"Yes I know! But how do we get back!!"
"We could try asking around…?"

"Yeah, let's do that, we can have a look in one of the servers around here." Scar said, looking around, he noticed an orange portal with a cursive "W" symbol in the top,
"That one looks inviting." Cub said, pointing to it.
Scar nodded, and they headed in.

Inside of the portal there were people walking around, not really doing much, there were a lot of portals spaced evenly, saying things like "Paid stories" and other genres of fiction and non-fiction.

"What is this place…?" Scar asked.
"No idea… let's look around more." Cub said with a nod.

As they explored the main room, they noticed the portals change from genres to fandoms, there was anime, undertale, Warrior Cats, and a load of other things.

"What's that…?" Scar said, pointing at a portal that caught his interest. It was orange like the main portal, but it said the word "Hermittpad" across the top in block capitals.

"Hermittpad…?" Cub said in a questioning tone, "you think it might have something to do with hermitcraft?"
"Maybe… do ya wanna check it out?" Scar asked, looking up at his friend. Cub nodded, and they stepped into the portal.

Inside the portal was chaos, many people were there, in one corner of the large room was a gigantic table, covered in writing equipment, laptops, paper, pens, and other things, in the other corner were large desks, with computer screens up, in another there were two more portals, one reading “Hermittpad Roleplay” and the other reading “Hermittpad recap discord”

Before either Cub or Scar could properly react to the room a horn sounded, someone stood up on the desk holding a megaphone,
“RED ALERT! RED ALERT! HERMITS INBOUND, EVERYONE HIDE YOUR WRITING!” they yelled, someone else jumped up, grabbing the megaphone.
“ABORT ABORT!” they yelled before jumping down and sprinting into the discord portal,

The people at the table grabbed their papers, some ripping them up completely and others hiding them away in locked draws, the room erupted into chaos.

Soon enough the amount of people in the room had decreased, most of them had disappeared into the discord portal, others hid and some left the room completely, Cub and Scar glanced at each other, both with a curious look.

Scar bent down and picked up a stray piece of paper that had landed at his feet, he quickly skim readed it, before passing it to Cub.
“This place is weird…”
“Convex angst?” Cub read off the paper before looking up, “I agree this place is strange, I want to know more though.”
They both simultaneously glanced towards the discord portal, and, as if in an unspoken agreement, they quickly went through.

Inside they were met with utter chaos, people were screaming left and right, Cub saw the person who had been brandishing the megaphone earlier slip into a door labelled “Secret Channels” and locking it behind them.

There were lots of doors, each labeled differently, but they didn’t get a chance to explore since the people there obviously were in full on panic mode.

Not many people even attempted to talk to them, one girl came up, looking them over.
“Welcome to hell, I recommend leaving, but stay if you want, I don't really care.” They said, before walking out of the door, with a casual wave towards the two hermits, who weren’t really given time to question it before a ghost girl with purple hair skidded to a stop in front of them, out of breath from running.

“Hi you two are awesome i hope you don't get a chance to be corrupted by this place,” Then she screamed and ran again, being chased by another ghost, attempting to smack the first with oven gloves, who was followed soon after by a girl wielding a ghost-busters style vacuum.

Someone with a lavender bow tie came up to them and opened their mouth before a girl with horns, wings and a long tail slapped a hand over it, stopping them from speaking.
“Smutler don't say a word!” she yelled, ‘Smutler’ managed to get free and glared at her.
“Ninja I will send you p-”
“No threatening my daughter!” someone screamed, running up to them.
“Dad, I can handle this!” Ninja yelled, pulling out what looked like a phone, “I’ll tell Biff!”
“You wouldn’t dare!” Smutler shouted.
“What are you gonna do about it?”
Smutler yelled a string of gibberish before chasing ninja into the “Secret Channels” door, which was then locked behind them the same as before,

“Guys we have a problem here and no-one is addressing it!” Someone yelled, gesturing dramatically to Cub and Scar who were just watching with interest and a small amount of fear.
“I say ban them!” someone else yelled back in response,
“ANARCHY!” someone else screamed out of nowhere, then “Oops wrong server” and they bolted out of the portal behind Cub and Scar, who had to leap out of the way to avoid being slammed into by a person who chased the first out and they were forgotten again.

“So uh- what do we do now?” Scar whispered to Cub, helping him up,
“Well we have two choices here, either we look around, or we leave and run for our lives.”
“I vote option one.” Scar said, looking around the room again, the panic hadn’t died down, and it was still as chaotic as it was before.

“Are they ok?” Scar asked, pointing to a corner where the ghost girl from before was hiding behind another girl, whilst two people advanced on them with knives, the ghost girl was repeatedly screaming “Don’t kill mom!” getting more angry every time.
Cub shrugged, “They’re probably fine.”
“This is completely normal for this place.” someone said behind them, though when the two turned, whoever had spoken had disappeared.

“Actually I've changed my mind, we should get out of here and find someone else to ask.” Scar said, afraid of the knives being bradished.
“Good idea.” Cub said, grabbing Scar and dragging him back out of the portal into the main room,

Once they were back out in the portal hub, Scar turned to Cub.
“Should we mess with them? We could just tell all the other hermits about this and let them discover it for themselves…”
A grin crossed Cub’s face, he pulled a map out of the pocket of his coat, “Great idea, now let's use this map to get back.”
“There was a map. Of course there was a map.” Scar said with a sigh.


Wow that's a long one, I had a lot of fun writing it though!

I know this sort of started yesterday but like, the recap posted them at about 10pm or something for me so I couldn't write it, hopefully I'll get the second one out today as well but probably not lol.

Hope you enjoyed


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