I don't want to hurt them - Part 3

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Go check out my other book where I'll be posting prompts (like hermittober sort of stuff!) It's called "Hermitcraft Prompts"

The room erupted into chaos, Grian was beating his wings to keep himself suspended. He was surrounded by a purple flame. The floor had morphed from white concrete into lava, and Iskall and Mumbo were burning.

Iskall65 tried to swim in lava

Mumbo_Jumbo tried to swim in lava.

Doc > Grian? 

Grian > I’m at your base.

Doc > Alright, we need to talk.

“Grian, I think we need to tell someone about this.” Doc said, “Someone like X, who can help keep your magic in check.”

“I-I think maybe that’s a good idea,” Grian said, 

“I’m glad you agree.” Doc said “let’s call X.”

X flew to where Doc’s base was, Apparently Doc and Grian had something that they needed to tell them, he assumed that it had something to do with their three week disappearance.  

Doc waved at X as he landed and walked over to them.

“Hey guys,” X said, “What did you need to talk about?”

Grian looked at the floor, his wings were tucked around himself like a protective blanket, this was the first time that X realised that they weren’t their usual colour.

“This is about why Grian left for a while.” Doc said.

“I thought it might be…” X said. Doc looked at Grian, he looked worried and shook his head.

“I’ll explain.”Doc said, “So Grian came to hermitcraft from his old server, Evolution, or just Evo.” 

“Yes, I know…” X said.

“He was admin, he was also kidnapped, by a group of powerful beings, named Watchers.” Doc continued, like X hadn’t spoke, “They tried to give him magic but he escaped, killing one of the Watchers. The Evo server was corrupted because of the watcher’s death so Grian left, and joined Hermitcraft.”

“What’s this got to do with what’s going on now?” X asked.

“I’m getting to that.”Doc said. He explained to Xisuma what had happened to Grian in the last three weeks, the return of the watchers, the magic, and how Doc had helped Grian to control his magic.

"Wait so…" X said, thinking over everything that Doc had just said, "Grian has magic, he can manipulate the world, even destroy bedrock?" 

Grian nodded.

"And you can insta-heal yourself?" 

"Yeah, the mask does that." Grian said, "I…. I didn't even tell Doc this… b-but I have perma-death as well, so if I die then I'm dead." 

X and Doc looked at him, eyes wide.

"What!" Doc yelled, "Why didn't you tell me!?"

"Surely there's something I can do, as admin-" 

"You can't do anything, watcher magic is above even admins strength wise, all you can do is help me not die." Grian explained.

X considered this. "Ok, but I think we need to tell everyone."

Grian opened his mouth about to protest when X got there first.

"Not everything, just so they know not to anger or kill you." He explained.

Grian looked at the floor.

"I think it'd be a good idea Grian." Doc said. Grian nodded slightly.

"Ok, let's do it.* 

Yes, I know this ending sucks but hey, it's not that bad.

Anyway I'm going to be starting work on the four requests I've got to do!

Goodbye y'all


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