Day 9: Christmas baking

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Stress and Grian were at Grian's base, Stress was trying to show him how to make Christmas cookies. They had finished the first batch and they were cooling down.

Stress took one, and bit into it, before spitting it out and wiping her face.
"Oh god!" She said, "Love, you used salt instead of sugar…" 
"I did?" Grian said, doing a puzzled face, "I swear I used sugar…"
Grian took one and bit into it, also spitting it back out again, "Yep… that's definitely salt .. oops..." 
"Alright, come on, let's start again love." Stress said, tipping the salty cookies into the food bin. Grian sighed and nodded, taking the bag of salt and dumping it into the sea, 
"I hate salt." Grian said, coming Back.
Stress laughed, "Ok love."

(50 minutes later)

"You forgot to set the timer!?" Grian yelled.
"I thought you did it!" 
"I didn't!" Grian said, "What's that smell?" 
"It smells… like something's burning…"
"My cookies!!" Grian yelled, running towards their little setup to see the furnace on fire and the area around it also ablaze, and spreading.
"Aaaah!" Grian yelled, "I gotta get my TNT before it explodes my base!!" 
Grian ran forward and grabbed a couple of black shulker boxes, before running back to the entrance of his base.

"Or you could-" Stress said, dumping a couple of buckets of water over the fire, putting it out.
"Oh." Grian said sheepishly, putting down the shulker boxes. 

"Come on, third time's the charm." Stress said.
"Do you really think that we should keep doing this?" Grian asked.
"Yes! I'm running late on my schedule and I need to make some for EX anyway." Stress said, setting out the ingredients, "This is just a bonus." 
Grian nodded and they started making the next batch of cookies.

"Flat… and greasy. What did we do this time?" Grian asked.
"We didn't use enough flour." Stress said, putting the cookies into the bin, on top of the salt ones and the burnt ones.
“Oh… I’m so dumb, I can’t do maths.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Stress said, putting a comforting hand on Grian’s shoulder, “We’ll try again."

They tried a couple more times, and finally, they got the cookies right. Although it was now dark and snowing outside, the pair whooped in joy.
“Yass we did it!” Grian yelled.
"Yay! Well done love!" Stress said, hugging him, "now all re have to do is decorate them!"
"Oh no…" Grian said.
Stress laughed, "I'm kidding, now I have to take these to EX." She took her half of the batch of cookies and put them into a box. 
"Bye Stress! Thank you!" Grian called as she left, he took a cookie and ate it, smiling.

Stress is awesome.

I don't know what the was XD

I hope you enjoyed :)

-Ash <3

Also, I'm a hippie now :) <3

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