Ferris Wheel

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The hermits arrived at the theme park, each of their faces gleaming, bright smiles were shared between them all. Grian dragged Mumbo and Iskall away almost instantly, chattering like a little kid. Stress, False and Cleo left, False and Stress bickering about which ride to go on first.

Xisuma had dragged Evil X out here along with them, X was trying to convince him to get on one of the roller coasters with him, it was amusing to watch, until Evil X dumped his slushie on X's head and ran, which left Ren gasping for breath with laughter while Doc checked if X was ok.

"Hey, Doc!" Ren said, bouncing on the balls of his feet when Doc returned from helping X.

"Hm?" Doc replied, looking down at Ren.

"Wanna go on the Ferris wheel?" Ren grinned, pointing up at the large Ferris wheel a little way away, it was shining in bright neon colours like the rest of the park, his wolf ears and tail twitching with excitement.

"Sure," Doc replied, letting Ren drag him, the creeper hybrid followed the excited werewolf, a small smile on his face.

Ren climbed into their seat, Doc following quickly after, after they had sat, the Ferris wheel started moving, Ren squeaked, he'd never admitted his fear of heights to anyone, maybe he should have thought this through, riding the tallest attraction in the park, but he couldn't exactly think about that now, so he put a brave smile on his face.

"W-wow!" Ren said when they were almost at the top, his voice shook slightly, but he did well to hide any fear, "The view is amazing from up here! You can see the whole park!"

"I can see X down there, he looks like he's fou-" Doc's sentence was cut off as the Ferris wheel jolted to a stop. Ren let out a quiet squeak of fear as it stopped moving. The lights shut off, there was some yelling, from the other people on the ride.

Ren whimpered, looking around with fear in his eyes, they just had to stop when they were at the top. How long would they be stuck here?

"Are you ok?" Doc asked Ren, looking straight at him, his voice calm, as if this didn't phase him at all, it probably didn't.

"Y-yeah I'm f-fine!" Ren said, wrapping his arms around himself. He didn't want Doc to know he was scared. Doc was never scared of anything, he usually did the scaring, rather than being scared.

(thirty minutes later)

Ren was panicking now, they'd been stuck up here for half an hour.

"Ren," Doc said, putting a hand gently on Ren's shoulder, making the latter jump.

"Y-yes?" Ren squeaked.

"What's wrong? You're shaking." Doc said. Ren looked at him with wide eyes.

"W-when are we going to get off-" Ren asked, looking back at the floor of their booth.

"I- honestly don't know." Doc said, "You scared?"

"N-no! I'm not! What m-makes you th-think that?"

"Ren, you're shaking and stuttering like crazy," Doc replied,

"O-ok maybe I'm a little scared! So wh-what?" Ren said, turning away, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"It's ok to be scared Ren," Doc said, putting his hand around Ren's shoulders, Ren looked at him with a surprised expression, but leaned into the creeper hybrid.

"I'm here, nothing bad is going to happen to you," Doc said softly, pulling Ren into a hug, rubbing his back comfortingly, Ren snuggled up against him, partially for warmth, since it was a cooler day and it was starting to get late, and partially out of fear, wrapping his arms around the creeper hybrid's waist, whining softly.

Not many people ever got to see this side of Doc, he was very cautious about showing his soft side, since he enjoyed having people believe he was intimidating since his normal attitude usually left him unopposed and uninterrupted, how he liked it.

Though sometimes he had to let his guard down, occasions like this when he'd let someone see that he was just as soft as anyone else, if not more so, he smiled slightly, doing his best to calm the dog hybrid. After a short while, Ren fell asleep leaning on Doc, the latter running his fingers through Ren's hair absent-mindedly.

Another fifteen minutes later the wheel started back up. When they reached the bottom again, Doc lifted Ren, trying his best not to wake him up, cradling the shorter dog hybrid against him as he went to sit on a nearby bench, deciding to let Ren sleep. 


Hello, it's been a bit of a while, I need to update this more, but I'm running low on ideas for one-shots right now.

however, saying that I do have something I want to do, I just need to form a real idea for it.

Hopefully, I'll update more soon.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed,


P.S: I did this on my laptop, so if you noticed that the spacing is a little different than normal, that would be why.

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