Hold on pt 2

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(i couldn’t find a good song so i decided to just write :p)

Scar had stayed by Grian’s side whenever he could. When he couldn’t, because of work he still had to do to get money or the fact that Cub forced him to sleep, someone else stayed with Grian, usually Cub or Iskall. 

It had been an eventful week to say the least, most of the hermits had spent it trying to convince Scar that Grian was going to be ok, they were barely able to convince him anything at all.

Cub had managed to get him to sleep on the first night Grian was in hospital, it had taken quite a bit to do it and even more to get him to eat the next morning, It had been the same since then.


“Mr. Goodtimes?” A doctor asked, Scar almost jumped up at his name, turning to face her.

“News? Is it good or bad? What happened?”

“Slow down, It’s good. Come with me.” She replied, heading off down a corridor.

Scar didn’t hesitate to follow her for a moment, he knew his way to Grian’s ward so well he could walk it blindfolded, when they arrived, the doctor let him go in alone.

Heading over to sit in the same chair he did every time he visited Scar wondered why the doctor had left him here alone, though he was brought out of his thoughts by a voice.



Grian shuffled to sit up a little straighter only for scar to fling his arms around him, burying his face in Grian’s shoulder, Grian hugged his boyfriend back tentatively, his wrists were still healing.

“I’m so sorry Scar-” Grian whispered.

“No I’m sorry- I should have noticed how you were feeling-”

“It’s not your fault…”

“I’m so glad you’re ok-” 

“Scar I can’t breathe-”

Scar apologized over and over, letting go of Grian and sitting back in his chair, Grian chuckled a little.

“Scar it’s fine- you have nothing to apologize for…”


Another week went by and Grian was out of the hospital, they went home together and continued their life almost as normal.

Scar started to pay more attention to Grian's feelings and Grian himself was more open about them. Grian went to see a therapist, Scar took some time off of work so he and Grian could spend more time together 

Soon enough everything was back to normal, arguably better than normal, both were more open with each other and they healed together. 

both of them would get through this together.

Short n' sweet owo

Hope you enjoyed


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