Etho can't cook

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In my notes I had this called "Kitchen Go Boom Boom" I dunno if that title is better.


Beef could smell smoke as he walked along the pavement back to the street on which he lived in a small house with Etho after a day of work.

He wondered what it might be, though that wasn't at the front of his mind right now, Etho had texted earlier saying that he had a suprise for Beef when he came home, and Beef was excited to find out what it was.

When he arrived at the front of his house, he realised that the burning smell was stronger, through he couldn't see any fire or smoke, so he simply brushed it off and stepped up to his door, fitting his key effortlessly into the lock and pushing his way into the hallway.

"Etho-?" Beef called, glancing around as he realised the burning smell was even stronger now he was inside, now he was starting to get worried, what on earth had happened here.

Hearing a noise that sounded like a pot being dropped, Beef assumed Etho was in the kitchen. Quickly, he dumped his stuff on the floor in the hall and shoved open the door into the kitchen.

The sight in front of him made him stop dead, a look of shock written across his face.

His boyfriend was stood in the middle of their kitchen, his white hair was charred black at the ends and his clothes were covered in soot and his feet were bare. The cooking pot he had dropped on the floor lay there charred inside and out on its side, with something just as blackened spilling out which must have been food at one point.

The rest of the kitchen was in no better state, the walls and counters around the stove were burned black as if an explosion had taken place, glasses that had been hung on hooks closest to the stove had been smashed, and broken glass littered the floor around it. The stove itself looked like someone had taken a hammer to it 

"What- What-" Beef was lost for words, he took a deep breath, giving himself a chance to find his words. "You blew up the kitchen, again?" Was all he could come up with, his voice raised almost to a yell near the end of his sentence.

Etho stood there, looking dumbfounded for a second, before gathering his words and replying in a panicked yell.

"I thought the gunpowder would make it spicy!" 

Beef sighed, putting his hands over his face.

"I was trying to do something nice for you- since you always cook I thought-" 

'Theres a reason I always cook Etho." Beef laughed, "This is what happens every time you allowed to use an oven unsupervised." 

"I know…" Etho said, looking at the floor, Beef sighed, walking over, nudging the pot out of the way with his foot and pulling Etho into a quick hug.

"Are you hurt?" He asked, holding Etho at arms length and looking over him, brushing some of the soot off of his shirt.

"I- I'm fine- I think." Etho said quietly, not meeting Beef's gaze

"Good. now come on," Beef said, scooping Etho up into his arms before he could react. Etho squeaked and grabbed onto Beef's shirt as he was carried out of the kitchen to the stairs, where Beef put him back down on his feet.

"What was that for?" Etho said, a disgruntled look in his eyes, Beef just smiled.

"You have bare feet, didn't want you stepping on glass." He explained, "Now you go sort yourself out, I'll clean up the kitchen."

"No- you shouldn't have to- it's my mess!" Etho persisted.

"You can come and help once you've cleaned yourself up, now go." Beef said shooing Etho up the stairs with a wave of his hand. Etho sighed and did as Beef said, leaving the latter to head back into the kitchen to begin cleaning up the mess Etho had left.

After about twenty minutes, Etho came back downstairs, looking as if nothing had happened, to find Beef just about done with cleaning up.

"Heya Etho." Beef said, coming over when he noticed his boyfriend standing in the doorway, "We're going to need to replace the oven, and some glasses, but otherwise the damage wasn't that bad."

"Right-" Etho said, glancing around awkwardly, "What are we going to do now then?"

"How does going to Five Goats tonight sound?" Beef suggested, Etho's eyes lit up in a smile.

"Sure," He replied, letting Beef take his hand and lead him out.


I know I just said I was taking a break from writing but someone gave me an idea and I couldn't resist.

hope you enjoyed


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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