I thought this might be helpful

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This is generally for HermittpadRecap and anyone else who wants to know what happened at Sally's party, just do that you don't have to look through the 1000+ comments there like I did.

Pls tag people who might be interested in this..

This took me six hours please appreciate me!

Now let's summarise!

Some people qrrive at the party and they begin wrapping presents before everyone else starts arriving. EX hoards cookies and Sally tries to force him to help with wrapping presents.

Uatemy starts making presents for everyone using markers, paper and glitter. EX tries to help Yammy(Ary) with the wrapping but drops a pot of glitter,
Everyone starts messing around in the glitter and making a mess while teasing EX for being sparkly. Tomrommet shows up despite the chaos with some void cookies.

EX starts having a sneezing fit because of the glitter so Yammy pulls him away from the mess. Sally hangs mistletoe above them, Yammy doesn't notice but EX gets really embarrassed and runs away, being bombarded with glitter from Sally and Worm man. EX gets his helmet to protect from the glitter and Worm man and Sally try and force him and Yammy back together again which fails miserably.

EX finally gives in and yells an apology across the room, he's then hugged by Sally Work man and Viola. Yammy leaves and Ary arrives as well as HermitcraftSnake who starts throwing edible glitter.

They continue wrapping presents and EX tries to leave, promising he'll be back, but Sally stops him do he decides to go later.

Guinea pig Grian (I will refer to him as GPG) arrives and EX leaves, saying he has to get some stuff. Viola is overwhelmed by people.

Worm man falls off of his chair and Sally telly GPG that he can steal some of EX's special cookies that he was very protective over (he apparently got them from Stress)

Tomrommet goes to make more void cookies as Ary ate all of them. Ary puts a few presents under the Christmas tree and leaves the party, there's a whole lot of confusion as worm man hallucinates seeing multiple Sally's after falling off of his chair and GPG having technical issues not being able to see what everyone is saying.

Worm man has to lie down because his head hurts and GPG can't fix their notifications.

At this point Antarctic pops up to notify us that there have been 390 comments by this point.

Worm man starts feeling better now that he's lying down and GPG finally got their wattpad working, EX comes back with a large IDEA shopping bag which he empties out under the Christmas tree.  Seeing EX, GPG starts eating more of EX's cookies.

EX figures out that GPg is eating his cookies and gets mad, chasing him.  Around the room before giving up and getting upset Because GPG ate his cookies.

Sally and uatemy give EX some of their cookies while GPG seemingly either tries to provoke EX or make him more upset.

GPG says something that implies that Sally isn't special so she tells EX to get him, he throws the oversized cookie that Sally gave him like a frisbee and it hit GPG on the head.

Tomrommet reappears with more void cookies which GOG quickly starts eating. Grian arrives and is given cookies before he leaves again.

They start to wrap presents again and poultry man arrives, there is some panicking and they try to hide poultry man's present before he sees it. Guinea pig Grian steals the cookies and leaves, while Viola returns.

EX, Sally and Uatemy get mad at GPG again for stealing Uatemy's cookies which seems to be forgotten quickly as Sally realises that there's still loads of presents to wrap.

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