Soulmates pt2

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This one goes with the chapter I did a while ago about Scar + Grian


Ren had a french test today, he was nervous, he knew he had to get a good grade, he didn’t want his parents to yell at him again for failing another test, but that didn’t change the fact that he didn’t know the material.

“Please help meee!?” Ren wrote on his arm stood outside the class, his soulmate had already refused to help, even though they were good at french, but Ren still kept asking anyway.
“I already said no now quiet i have an exam.”

Ren sighed as the class filed in, he had seen Grian and Scar together earlier and he still envied them, he wished he knew his soulmate, he also wished he could pass this test.


Ren stared blankly at the paper, he didn’t know any of the answers, looking around the rest of the class, he noticed Iskall looking lazily at the paper as if it didn't phase him at all, it probably didn't, Iskall was the best in their year after all.

He grabbed his pen and wrote on his hand desperately.
“Please please please, i don’t wanna get yelled at again…” Ren wrote,
“OK ok fine, what is the test?”
"Huh, me too, anyway, what's the question?"

"That was so weird, we had all the same questions…" Ren wrote on his arm, as he walked out of the class.
"Yeah dude," his soulmate wrote back, "I'm not helping you again, get tutoring or something."
Ren sighed, "Finee I'll ask tomorrow."

So the next day, after class Ren approached Iskall and asked him for help with French.
"Seriously dude?" Iskall said, "first my soulmate, now you?"
"Heh my soulmate is awesome at French. I always ask them for help and they'd told me to get a tutor so now I'm here "
Iskall looked confused, "Hey I told my soulmate the same yesterday, they got me to help them on a test."
"Really? That's a coincidence, I begged my soulmate to help me on a test."
Iskall laughed, "what a coincidence dude."
"That's too much of a coincidence to be real." Ren said.
"But it happened." Iskall pointed out.
"Yeah but- wait, what if we're-" Ren said, "my dude, what if we're each other's soulmate?"
"That- can't be possible, right?" 
"I mean… Grian and Scar met, so it is possible…"  Ren said, somewhat hopeful.
"We could test it dude," Iskall said, "But I don't believe it."

Ren nodded and took a pen out of his pocket, he handed it to Iskall.
"You do it."
"Ook." Iskall said, taking the pen and drawing a quick smiley face on the back of his hand.

Ren looked at his hand and saw the smiley appear, he showed it to Iskall, grinning ear to ear.

Iskall laughed, realising what this meant,
"Soulmate!" Ren yelled, jumping up and down then hugging Iskall.
"We're soulmates dude." Iskall said, almost in disbelief.
"This is amazing!" Ren yelled.
"This is awesome dude." Iskall said before he realised something, "Damnit this means I still need to help you with French!"

I mean this was kinda cute right?

I hope y'all enjoyed!


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