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Joe walked through the shopping district, a shulker box under his arm. The box in question was filled to the brim with TNT, delivery for the boomers after they had requested some spare TNT a few days ago in chat.

He placed the box down on the ground, he had made it to the shopping district and he was exhausted, as soon as he set it down, the box began to hiss, the sound of ignited TNT, Joe let out a yelp, he had put the box on a decorative Redstone block, now all the TNT was going to explode. He did the only logical thing and ran.

After a few seconds, the entire thing exploded destroying almost everything in a fifty block radius. The blast threw Joe off of his feet, landing face-first in the middle of the road leading to the town hall.

He quickly got up, ignoring the pain from being thrown, he hadn't been hurt much by the blast itself, but his limbs were damaged from where he landed on the ground. Quickly brushing himself off, he turned to see the damage that had been caused, it wasn't good.

Visibly flinching as he saw the giant crater in the centre of the shopping district, all the shops that had been there having ben blown to smithereens, he quickly pulled out fireworks, he didn't know what to do, so he fled, heading back to his base to grab some supplies to at least help with cleanup.

(an hour later)

The unfortunate hermit to find the mess was Iskall, he had gone to restock his slime shop, which was no longer there.

Quickly calling Xisuma and telling him what he had found, though it wasn't easy to miss, the crater could be seen a mile away, he made his way into the town hall, which luckily remained unscathed, waiting for Xisuma to call a meeting.

Joe heard the ping on his communicator, everyone had been called to the town hall for a meeting. He didn't bother showing up, he was too busy trying to gather supplies to repair the mess he'd made. There wasn't time for a meeting right now, he'd just tell Xisuma he did it later.


The hermits were fuming. Especially the ones who's shops had been destroyed in the blast, they wanted answers and reconciliation, there was angry chatter floating around the courtyard, though the figure hiding just inside the town hall couldn't make out what they were talking about, it was painfully obvious.

"Alright, everyone, please be quiet." Xisuma said, silencing the crowd, "As we can see, someone has... well-"

"Blown everything up." Grian inputted, speaking up from the crowd.

"I was trying to put it nicely, but yes, everything has been blown up, I want to know who did this," X said, his gaze sweeping over the crowd.

Multiple hermits immediately looked at Grian, the gremlin shook his head, raising his hands.

"It wasn't me- I was with Mumbo all day," Grian said, the taller, moustached hermit beside him nodded,

"I bet it was EX." Someone called from the crowd, everyone was silent for a while, considering this proposal before Doc nodded.

"It seems like something he'd do... What do you say Xisuma?"

"I- don't know... maybe. He's definitely capable of something like this..." Xisuma said, shifting awkwardly. His brother could have done this, but would he?

"He probably did! Remember before? He blew up so much stuff!" Another of the hermits called from the crowd, the rest murmured with each other, considering everything, before coming to the conclusion that it must have been Evil X, who else could have done this?

The figure in the Townhall watched, his eyes widening as they accused him, he hadn't done this, he'd only come to the shopping district to watch the meeting, when he first heard his name his stomach had dropped, he didn't know how he would get out of this. They wouldn't believe him.

Xisuma looked up at he pressed enter on his communicator, a second later EX appeared next to him, stumbling slightly before getting his balance, as if he'd been leaning against something, he looked around, recoiling slightly from all the accusing gazes that were fixed on him, finally turning to his brother.

"You-" He started, not knowing what exactly to say, "You... really believe I did this?"

"Who else would have?" X said, "I'm sorry EX, you're the only person who could have..."

"I didn't!" He said, his eyes weren't fully visible under his dark-tinted visor but it was obvious to Xisuma that they were filled with tears, though he wasn't crying.

"Why would we believe you! You've already wrecked our trust with you the last times you blew things up-" Doc said, raising his voice only slightly, though the difference in volume was enough to silence all the other chatter in the clearing.


"Get out of here EX. I don't want to see you again. If I do, you're banned." X said just as Joe landed at the back of the group, he stared up at the two on the steps as EX sighed, not even bothering to argue, before turning and running.

Joe looked around at the hermits, from the snippets of conversation he could hear, they had wrongly accused EX while he hadn't been here, if only he'd come to the meeting, this wouldn't have happened, but there wasn't much he could do now.

Joe turned, running out of the courtyard, before taking off and heading in the direction that he'd seen EX run before.


EX went as far as he could, only able to get far before his legs gave up, he let himself sink to the ground against a tree, his face felt hot as tears began to fall from his eyes. It quickly became too stuffy and hot inside his helmet to bare so he pulled it off, tossing it roughly to the side, wiping his face with his sleeve to wipe away the tears, though it was useless, they just kept coming.

He hugged his knees to his chest, his brother didn't believe him, no-one did. He'd made mistakes in the past, sure, maybe too many, but this was the end. If he went back, he'd be banned, what was the point in trying.


Joe found EX after a while of searching. He didn't know how long it had been when he found Xisuma's brother, hugging his knees to his chest and sobbing. EX gave a small yelp of surprise when Joe put a hand lightly on his shoulder, moving around to sit next to him.

"What are you doing here?" EX asked, his voice wavering, he sniffed and wiped his face with his sleeve, turning his face away to try and hide his crying.

Joe edged closer to wrap an arm around EX, his shoulders were tense, he sniffed again before letting out a choked sob.

"Hey, I know it wasn't your fault." Joe whispered, lightly rubbing EX's shoulder, "I can't apologise for everyone else, but I'm sorry anyway."

"Why? What did you do?" EX said, turning to face Joe, his shoulders relaxing slightly as Joe pulled him into a hug.

"Oh- I caused the mess in the first place..." Joe said.


"You'll be ok. I'll try and talk to the others." Joe said, hugging EX, who silently hugged Joe back, resting his head on his shoulder as Joe rubbed his shoulder comfortingly, not saying anything since the silence was comfortable.

"Thank you..." EX said, trailing off back into silence as the two sat there, against the tree, alone.


I don't really know if I'm happy with this or not honestly

I liked the idea but I don't think I executed it that well... Also, I forgot to put my Fluff vs Angst competition Oneshot in here, so I'ma do that once I publish this one!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!


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