Hold On (songfic

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(not really a season thing)

This is a songfic with aNgSt! Yayy!

This is the first thing I've written with this sort of stuff, so don't judge me too hard, lol.

Song: Hold on (by Chord Overstreet)

Warnings: self harm/suicide, blood, sAdNeSS


Loving and fighting
Accusing, denying

Scar looked as Grian glared at him, fuming,
"You were supposed to be looking after it." Grian said.
"I wouldn't have to if you didn't build it in the first place-" Scar said,
"Oh so this is my fault!?" Grian yelled.
"No! No, that's not what I meant… please, calm down…" Scar said, Grian looked at him, his face softening.
"I-i'm sorry Scar, I didn't mean to get mad…" He said, Scar opened his arms and Grian ran into them, and the two hugged each other tightly.

I can't imagine a world with you gone
The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of
I'd be so lost if you left me alone

Scar smiled at Grian, who was sleeping next to him on the sofa, Grian's head resting on his shoulder, he looked so peaceful, so calm,Scar loved him so much, he couldn't imagine a life without him, and he didn't want to, everything was perfect.

You locked yourself in the bathroom

Scar knew Grian was going through mental health problems because of his past, Scar didn't know everything, there were things Grian hid and Scar respected that, but the things he knew were bad enough., he had known about it for a long while, but Scar wasn't s professional, all he could do was love Grian,

That day Scar came back to Grian locked himself into the bathroom, he had hac s funny feeling that something bad would happen, and when Grian didn't answer when Scar knocked the door, he knew something was wrong.

Lying on the floor when I break through

Scar banged on the door, becoming more and more panicked, he eventually broke down the door, he stared at the sight in front of him, Grian lay on the floor in s pool of his own blood, flowing from nasty gashes across his wrists,

I pull you in to feel your heartbeat

Scar let out a choked sob as he ran to him, falling to the tiled floor next to his boyfriend's limp body,

Can you hear me screaming

"Please don't leave me" Scar yelled as he picked up his phone and dialled emergency services, he called for an ambulance, and waited, clutching Grian's limp body, hot, sharp tears. Streaming down his face and falling onto Grian's cheek.

"Hold on, I still want you. Come back, I still need you." Scar whispered to Grian, not wanting to let him go, he knew he would never be able to recover if Grian didnt survive this.

The paramedics came in and wrapped Grian's wrists, picking him up and taking him into the ambulance,

"Let me take your hand, I'll make it right
I swear to love you all my life."

Scar held Grian's hand as he was put into the ambulance, the paramedics had tried to assure him they would do their best, but Scar sat silently next to him, tears still falling from his eyes, he didn't bother to wipe them off.

"Hold on, I still need you" he whispered.

A long endless highway, you're silent beside me

The drive in the ambulance felt endless, Grian was silent, Scar wished with all his heart that Grian would wake up, tell him everything was ok.

Drivin' a nightmare I can't escape from
Helplessly praying, the light isn't fadin'

Scar prayed and prayed that he wasn't too late, that he had found Grian quick enough, that the ambulance would get him to hospital in time.

Hiding the shock and the chill in my bones

Scar tried is best to hide how he was feeling as the ambulance staff lifted Grian from the ambulance and into AE.

They took you away on a table

The doctors too him away somewhere Scar couldn't follow, he stayed in the waiting room anxiously hoping for his boyfriends life.

I pace back and forth as you lay still

He could picture Grian, his skin pale, eyes closed, lying still on a hospital bed, he paced around the waiting room, probably annoying everyone but he couldn't sit still.

They pull you in to feel your heartbeat
Can you hear me screaming, "Please don't leave me"

He was screaming internally, he didn't know what he was supposed to do or feel, it felt like something was grabbing at his heart and twisting it, he almost couldn't bear it.

Hold on, I still want you
Come back, I still need you

He silently prayed for Grian to hold on, he could make it, Grian as strong, he called Cub and Iskall, to tell them what happened.

Let me take your hand, I'll make it right
I swear to love you all my life

Scar swore to love Grian even better and stronger than ever before, he could help him get better.

Hold on, I still need you.

Scar needed Grian as much as Grian needed Scar at this moment. He couldn't take his mind off of the image of Grian lying there, no matter how much he tried.

"I don't wanna let go, I know I'm not that strong" Scar whispered to Cub and Iskall, after Iskall and Cub had managed to sit Scar down.


"I just wanna hear you. Saying baby, let's go home." Scar said to Grian, holding his hand tightly, sat next to his bed, Grian was still unconscious, it has been a few days,.all he wanted was for things to go back to normal, he had barely slept since he found Grian on the floor, his clothes were messy, there were bags under his eyes, but he couldn't sleep, he could barely even eat.

"Let's go home." Cub put his arm around Scar's shoulders and led him out if the ward,

"Yeah, I just wanna take you home" Scar thought, looking back at Grian's pale face over his shoulder,
"Come on Scar, you need to eat something." Iskall said on the drive home, offering Scar a Granola bar, Scar took it and bit into it reluctantly, he wanted to throw up.
"He'll be ok Scar." Cub said, turning from the steering wheel to look back at Grian and Iskall.

"Hold on, I still want you Come back, I still need you"


I might try and find a song for a part two or I might not who knows.

Hope you enjoyed the sadness


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