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“Get good, get good. Get, good!” Mumbo said to himself, pacing back and forth, holding a paper in his hands, he had burnt the real challenge note, but he had written it down so he didn’t forget. “How am i supposed to get good!?”

He had gotten everything sorted in the world, like Iskall had told him to, but he didn’t feel like he had gotten good, he didn’t believe he had completed the challenge, and there was only a few days left to go before he had to show Grian what he had done.

“Aaargh!” Mumbo said, running a frustrated hand through his hair, “what does “get good” even mean!?”
He looked through his chests for some form of inspiration, but there was nothing, he looked around the jungle, to see if anything interesting was there. He renamed a diamond “Good” but that still didn’t feel right, he knew there would be something, but he didn’t know what.

As a last resort, he opened up his communicator and typed a message in chat, sent to everyone except Grian.

Mumbo > Does anyone know how to “Get Good”?

He waited anxiously for a reply, but all he got was:

GoodtimeswithScar > Idk lol.

None of the other hermits seemed to be around, or at least weren’t checking their communicators, Mumbo sat down, defeated. He might fail another challenge.

He continued to stare at the two messages for a long while, until inspiration struck him.
“Get good… Get Good! GOODtimeswithScar, Get GoodtimeswithScar! I’ve got it! I’ve got it!” He yelled, throwing his hands up, “I just have to get Scar!”
Mumbo laughed happily, formulating a plan in his mind.

“It was that easy! That’s all I need to do!” Mumbo said to himself, grabbing items out of a chest and throwing them into a shulker box,

Mumbo smiled to himself as he picked up the shulker and took off into the sky. He spent a few minutes trying to find Scar’s base, before remembering it was near Grian’s and flying that way,

Landing in a tree near the giant snail, Mumbo pulled out his communicator and messaged Scar.

Mumbo > Hey Scar, where are you?

Mumbo sighed, that sounded suspicious, but he’d already sent it, he couldn’t do anything about it now.

Scar > In Larry, Tryign to fix my KGOOMR.

Mumbo smiled, this was perfect, it could give him an excuse to get close enough to Scar without breaking in.

Mumbo > Need help?
Scar > ...yes please.
Mumbo > I’ll be right there :)

After a few minutes (Mumbo knew it would be suspicious if he had arrived seconds after he had sent the message) he leapt down from the tree and landed with a small thud on Scar’s doorstep.

He knocked politely, and scar opened the door, giving Mumbo a tired smile.
“I’ve been trying all day but I just can’t get it to work…” Scar said, looking at the floor, slightly ashamed of having to ask Mumbo for help.
“It’s alright, I'll help, I had nothing to do today anyway.” Mumbo said with a smile. “What’s wrong with it anyway?”

After an hour of troubleshooting and repairing Mumbo figured out what was wrong with Scar’s K.G.O.O.M.R. Now the two were sat at a small table, sharing a cake between them.

“Alright, well i best be going,” Mumbo said, standing up, unknown to scar, he had his sword held behind his back. Mumbo was nervous, but he didn’t know what else to do, he had to complete the challenge.

Scar nodded and stood up, walking over to the door, which Mumbo noticed wasn’t there anymore, At least Grian is doing his job.
“Someone keeps stealing my door…” Scar said thoughtfully,
“Yeah same,” Mumbo said, this might be his last chance. “Sorry Scar.”
“Huh-?” Scar said, before Mumbo swung his sword up, hitting Scar on the head with the flat edge, he didn’t want to actually hurt Scar, just knock him out.

Mumbo caught Scar as he fell unconscious, a look of surprise on his face. Mumbo picked him up carefully and carried him outside, where he took off and headed back to his base as quickly as he could.

Back at his base Mumbo lay Scar on his bed. He felt guilt rising inside him, it was battling the feeling telling him that he needed to complete the challenge and not damage his dignity further. He sighed and rubbed his eyes, then went off to make some food.

(The next day)

Scar woke up with a pounding headache. He looked around, wondering where he was, he wasn't in Larry, that was for sure. He didn’t remember much from the previous day, the last thing he remembered was inviting Mumbo inside to fix his KGOOMR, and he couldn’t see how that might have gotten him wherever it was he was located.

Taking his communicator out of his pocket and looking briefly at the stats, as best he could with his dyslexia and his head throbbing like crazy. He saw that it had been a day at least since he last checked it.

He sat up slowly and winced at the light coming through a large window. Blinking a few times to get used to the light, he stood up, a wave of dizziness hit him, forcing him to sit back down. He looked around from where he was sat, he could see all the things that should be in a good starter base, plus some redstone contraptions. He recognised it as Mumbo's, but what was he doing passed out in Mumbo’s base?

As Scar thought about why he was in the situation he was in, someone came into the base from the door downstairs. The sound of the trapdoor opening snapped Scar out of his thoughts and the moustached man looked over in his direction.

“Oh good, you’re awake.” Mumbo said, “I thought i would have to carry you all the way there.”
“A-all the way wh-where?” Scar asked shakily, forgetting how to language for a second, “Why am I here?”
“You’re essential to the completion of the challenge, you’re here because I brought you here, and you’ll be staying with me until the challenge is done.” Mumbo said, his tone scaring Scar slightly, Had he been kidnapped?

(A few hours later)

“Alright, time to go.” Mumbo told Scar, coming back through his nether portal from the other side. Scar wondered what was behind there, but this wasn’t the time.

Scar stuck out his tongue at Mumbo.
“What do you mean, no?”
“I mean no, im not going anywhere with you.” Scar replied, definitely. Mumbo glared.
“I don’t want to knock you out again. I felt bad enough the first time!” Mumbo said.
Scar did a double take, Mumbo was willing to knock him out…?
He sighed, “Fine, i’ll come, but you have to carry me, my head hurts and i can barely stand up.”

Mumbo let out a long, frustrated sigh, “Ok FINE. as long as you’re co-operating, i guess… come on, i’m not carrying you down the ladder.”
Scar nodded slowly and stood up, using the bed to brace himself, and slowly followed Mumbo down the ladder.

When they got outside Mumbo picked Scar up, and flew, using elytra, to the hermit challenges area, where Grian was already waiting for him.


"Why- why do you have Scar!?" Grian asked, staring wide-eyed up at Mumbo, who was carrying an annoyed looking Scar in his arms.

"I got good, lol." Mumbo said, putting Scar down on the ground, Scar leant on one of the wood blocks and looked at us suspiciously.
"Oh my god…. I didn't mean- did you kidnap him!?" Grian asked, slightly lost for words.
"Yes, he did." Scar said, "may I finally get an explanation why!?"
"Hermit challengesssss" Mumbo said enthusiastically, as if that answered the question at all.

Grian facepalmed, "I challenged Mumbo to "Get Good lol", I didn't expect him to kidnap you, well, it crossed my mind, but I didn't expect him to actually do it."
"Well what did you expect me to do!? With a challenge like that?" Mumbo said, glaring at Grian.
"I dunno, not kidnap my neighbour?" Grian said, glaring back.

"Ok there's no need for fighting!" Scar said, breaking up the argument that was forming, "I have one question."
"Yes?" Asked Mumbo, sounding exasperated.
"Can I go now?" Scar asked, looking between Mumbo and Grian
"Yeah sure." Grian said.
"YES finally!" Scar said, taking off with his elytra and flying out of the area.

"Welp. That happened." Grian said to himself before turning back towards Mumbo.


Hey, look! It's me! I'm alive!

Sorry I haven't posted anything I've been very lazy and I have absolutely no good excuse at all.


SINCE WHEN DID THIS BOOK HAVE 14.5K READS?? I literally noticed that earlier and I was shocked for words, thank u guys do much! :3 I need to do something!!

Buuut... Idk what...

Anyway hope you enjoyed


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