Day 8: finding the perfect present

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Aka: The day Scar learned that Capitalism is flawed.


Scar wasn't having good time. Concorp was getting on his nerves (he never thought that he’d ever think that) Buying almost everyone's shop on the shopping district might have been a great business opportunity for him and Cub but it really wasn't helping him today.

"Why did we buy all of these shops!" Scar whined, seeing yet another Concorp logo on another shop he thought might have something he could give Cub for Christmas.

He wandered around the shopping district, looking for a good, Christmas present potential shop, which hadn't been bought by Concorp. Apparently, that didn't exist. 

Scar sighed as he trudged sadly back in the direction of his base. Christmas was in a few days time and he still had no present for Cub, and it was all Concorp's fault. 


Cub sat on the rim of a large fountain in Concorp, he was slightly stressed, which wasn't normal for him. He had come here in hopes that the faint trickling sound of the fountain and the beautiful view of Concorp would help. They didn't do half as much as Cub had hoped.

He let out an exasperated sigh and stood up, he needed to find the perfect present to give to Scar, and sitting around being stressed wasn't going to help. 

Cub flew seemingly aimlessly around the server, he knew that the shopping district wouldn't be any use, Concorp owned all of the good shops, so he went looking elsewhere.

Finding nothing, Cub returned to his base sadly, and lay down on his bed, thinking of what he might do, Scar probably had an amazing present for him, he was a total let down.

---- (timeskip to Christmas day.)

Scar landed in Cub's base. He and cub had arranged to meet up to prepare for the Hermit's Christmas party at Stress's castle, as they were bringing the cakes, yes, cakeS, because he knew that one cake wouldn't be enough, especially with Cub around. 

"Cub!?" Scar called, he heard a crash and a thud before Cub cane running down the stairs. 
"Oh! Hey Scar." Cub said, sounding tired and slightly upset.
"Hey… you don't look so great…" Scar said, noticing his crooked coat had his beard was all messed up, "Is something wrong?" 
"I… well-" Cub said.
"I'll guess," Scar said, "You couldn't find me a Christmas present because we bought Everyone's shop and you're really worried and upset about it?"
Cub looked stunned, "What? How? How did you know that-"
Scar ran forward and hugged Cub, "I had exactly the same problem." 
"Thank the nether gods… I thought you were going to turn up with some amazing present and I felt really bad…" 
"There's no need to worry," Scar said, smiling, "You're the best friend ever, and I don't need a present anyway." 
"Shouldn't we uh, be doing something?" Cub said.
"Oh yeah! The cakes!" Scar said, "Ok, so I brought chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, lemon, banana-" 
Cub smiled as Scar rambled on about all the different cake flavours he had, waiting for him to finish so they could actually make the cakes.

This was the perfect present, Cub thought, Being able to spend time with his best friend and fellow Vex, and he didn't need anything else, other than maybe cake.

"Cub, Cub! were you even listening to me?" Scar said.
"Umm… no?" Cub replied, smiling, "Come on, let's make the cake!" 

I hope you enjoyed this weird little idea I had!

Out of all the Christmas prompts this was the one that I had the idea for first.

Also, just wondering, why does day 5 have about 30 more reads than all the other prompts?

I do not understand XD


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