Day 1 : Pumpkin

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Fall Prompts: Day 1: Pumpkin

If you don't know what this is, go check out the new chapter on HermittpadRecap


(season 6, Sahara meeting room)
"Pumpkins!" Grian yelled, dumping the large orange fruit on the meeting table in between the three of them, Iskall and Mumbo could only stare in surprise.

"Grian- you know its only the first right?" Mumbo pointed out.

"Shouldn't we wait to carve them? they'll be rotten before Halloween if we do it now." Iskall asked.

"No! No we're not carving them!" Grian laughed as if he was pointing out the obvious.

"Wha- then what are we doing with them?" Mumbo asked, now confused.

"We're going to do some baking! Pasties, pie, cakes- we're going to work out how many nice things we can make from pumpkins! We have to out-pumpkin concorp this year!' Grian yelled, a huge grin on his face.

"Oh- right." Iskall said, "This is going to be omega fun!"

"Baking with the bros?" Mumbo asked, Grian nodded quickly, he wanted them both to be on bored with this.

We can even sell what we make at Sahara eats!" Grian pushed.

"I'm in." Mumbo said with laugh, "I'll probably mess Something up Though."

"It'll be fine!" Grian smiles, waving a dismissive hand, "You should have seen my Christmas cookies last year, they were awful."

"That gives me so much confidence this is going to go well." Mumbo said, the sarcasm in his voice obvious.

"Awe c'mon mumbo! I've improved a lot since then!" The blonde chirped.

"Alright- I'm in." Mumbo said.

"Whoo!" Grian cheered, fist pumping the air before grabbing his pumpkin, "C'mon! I already set up at my base!"

"Awesome!" Iskall grinned, standing up from his chair, Grian grabbed some rockets, grinning and shooting out of the hole in the roof, followed by Iskall and Mumbo soon after.

The three hermits spent the rest of the day experimenting with the fall fruit, they ended up with a wide array of sweet pumpkin based treats to sell at Sahara Eats, and to eat themselves of course.

The three knew they'd need a lot more pumpkins this autumn.


I know it'll be some feat for me to keep these up daily, but I'm going to try my best ;D

Also these are most likely going to all be somewhat short, but they'll be daily, so hopefully that compensates :D

anyway, hope you enjoyed,


(ps: if there are a lot of typos I apologize, I wrote this while on a bus)

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