Day 2 : Leaves

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Grian x Etho fluff uwu

it's kinda short (apologies)


Etho laughed as he watched the smaller hermit run though a leaf pile, scattering the beautiful fallen leaves everywhere, the leaves crunched under his feet as he walked after Grian with his hands in his pockets.

"Come on Etho! this is fun!" Grian called, kicking up another leaf pile as he spoke, giggling like a child.

"I'll leaf the leaves to you I think." Etho laughed, making the pun effortlessly, beginning to pile up the leaves around him into a large heap.

More leaves flew threw the air as Grian kicked up yet another pile. "Was that a pun?" came a shout from the blonde.

"Sure was! hey Grian c'mere." Etho called, waving grian over to the large leaf pile he'd collected up while grian was messing around, the gremlin ran over, joining Etho next to the pile.

"Wanna jump in the leaf pile together?" Etho suggested, Grian gasped, his face breaking into an even wider grin than before.

"Yes!" Grian giggled, grabbing Etho's hand, the taller hermit laughed.

The pair jumped into the pile together, sending the fiery autumn leaves into the air in a flurry around the two, who ended up laying together among the brightly coloured leaves.

"It's getting colder…" Grian observed as a cool breeze washed over them.

"It'll be ice season soon." Etho replied, the smile evident in his voice.

"And the first Christmas with my most amazing boyfriend ever!" Grian giggled, leaning over to press a quick kiss to Etho's cheek, earning a blush from the silver haired hermit.

"You're getting a bit ahead of yourself there aren't ya?" Etho smirked, "Your forgetting Halloween."

"Oh yeah that!" Grian laughed, "How could I forget?"

"It's right around the corner, huh." Etho said with a small chuckle.

"Yeah in like a month- hey you have a leaf in your hair." Grian giggled, brushing his fingers through Ethos hair, removing the leaf with a smile.

Etho chuckled, "You have leaves all over you."

"And don't they make me look beautiful!"

"No doubt about it."


I'm happy with this one owo-

so cute.


hope you enjoyed


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