Day 5: Holiday hater

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AKA: A hermitcraft Christmas Carol.

EX sat in his cabin, watching the light snowfall outside. He didn’t know what all the fuss was about. It was just snow, but there were messages popping up on the communicator that X had given him, all about the snow, and Christmas and plans.
“Euggh.” EX groaned, putting his head on the table, “Christmas is useless, why waste time on something that only happens once a year when you could do something productive?” he said to himself, before eating another cookie.

“Hey EX!” Someone said, coming in through his open door, “Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas? I’ll give you Merry Christmas.” EX grumbled as Stress skipped into his cabin, in a good mood, obviously.
“Aww come on EX! Why are you so grumpy?” Stress asked.
“Why are you so happy?” EX countered.
“Because it’s Christmas!” Stress yelled.
“I'm happy because it’s Christmas! I love Christmas!” Stress said, “Hey I have an idea!”
“Oh no…” EX said under his breath.
“How about you come to the christmas party at my Castle tomorrow!” She said, “Almost everyone will be there!” 
“No thank you.” EX said, “I’d rather be here alone with my cookies, now goodbye.”
“Aww, but-”
“Goodbye.” EX said, turning away from her.
Stress sighed, but left the house, knowing that he wouldn’t give up.

EX ate more of his cookies, and went upstairs to his bedroom to sleep.

He woke up, the house was pitch black. The clock on the wall chimed once, One in the morning… He thought. Suddenly, a bright light appeared at the end of his bed, now he was scared, what if someone was robbing him?

“Hey! EX?” Said someone who sounded like an echo-y Grian.
“Grian?” EX said, he blinked a couple of times and realised what he was seeing, a ghostly version of Grian, who was emitting a bright light.
“I am the ghost of Christmas past,” Grian’s ghost said, “I resemble your friend Grian because of his hard past, and his ability to keep loving and living.”
“Oh…?” EX said, confused and scared, “May I ask… What are you doing in my house?” 
“I have come to teach you about your past, and why Christmas is great!” The ghost said, “Now come here.”
EX obliged silently, scared of this chirpy ghost who really resembled Grian.

When he was close enough, the ghost took his arm and they teleported in a purple vortex, and landed outside of a small house.

“Do you recognise this place?” The ghost asked, looking at him.
“Yeah, this is where I grew up…” EX said.
“Yes, come on.” The ghost took his arm again and lead him inside.
Inside the house were two boys, laughing together and decorating the christmas tree.
“Hey! That’s me!” EX said, looking at the boys.
“Hey Exy! Can you help me with this?” one of the boys asked, holding a piece of red tinsle.
“Sure!” The other replied, taking the tinsel and standing on a nearby chair, he put it up on one of the higher branches, reaching forward to straighten it, he fell off of the chair into the tree.
"Exy!" Young Xisuma yelled, in concern, "Are you ok!?" 
"I-i'm fine…" Exy said, getting up and brushing off the pine needles which had stuck to him, "I don't know about the tree though…"
"Don't worry," X said, "I'll say I did it." 

Just after he said this, two older people, EXs parents, came into the room.
"What happened in here!?" Said the woman.
"I-it was me mum, I was putting a piece of tinsel up, and I fell…" X said.
"Don't lie X, we know EX did it " the man said.
"It's always EX, now go to your room." The women said, pointing at EX, "Come on X, let's fix the tree."

The young EX hung his head and walked out of the room, going upstairs.
"I remember this…" EX said. 
The ghost looked at him and the scene changed. It now showed young EX sat on a bed, with his face in his knees.

The door to the room opened and X came in, he was wearing the armour that he still wore today.
"Hey Exy! I have something for you." He said. Exy looked up.
"But mum-" he said.
"She doesn't know, it's a secret." X came over and took his hand, "come on.* 
"This was when he gave me my armour." EX said to the ghost, who nodded and teleported him again.

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