Sick Day

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Grian sneezed, the sudden sound making Scar jump and turn to face him as Grian quickly smoothed down the feathers on his wings.

“Are you ok Gri?” Scar asked, putting down the blocks he had been using and going closer.

“Wha- oh yeah I’m fine.” Grian replied, going back to work, “Don't worry about me.”

A few minutes later, Grian sneezed again, quickly reaching to smooth the feathers on his wings before Scar turned around again.

“You’re not ok, are you.” Scar said, going over and standing in front of Grian.

“It’s just a cold- I’ll be ok.” Grian replied with a sniff.

“Nope, I am not accepting that.” Scar said, “You’re sick, you should be resting.”

“No- Scar- it’s not that bad I swear!” Grian said before turning and sneezing into his elbow.

“Nope. Come on.” Scar said, taking Grian’s hand and leading him back to Larry.

“Sit.” Scar said, pointing at his bed, Grian sat reluctantly as Scar rushed around, fussing over him, eventually leaving Grian in a cocoon of blankets.

Almost immediately after Scar had finished, Grian sneezed, his wings extending a little and throwing the blankers everywhere, the feathers on his wings poofed up from the sneeze.

Scar chuckled, “You should get some rest.”

“Finee-” Grian replied, giving into Scar and flopping down on the bed, falling asleep almost instantly.


Grian woke up with a sneeze, making Scar jump three foot in the air and his wings to puff out as he sneezed again, quickly developing into a feathery puffball with each sneeze.

Scar giggled at him, coming over to sit beside him on the bed while Grian wrapped his wings around himself in embarrassment, Scar ran his fingers through the soft poofed out feathers, causing Grian to come out of his ball and smack Scar’s hand away.

“No.” Grian said, before sneezing again, Scar giggled and put a blanket back over Grian.

“You need more rest… you’re worse than you were yesterday.” Scar said, Grian groaned.

“But I have to work on my projects-” 

“You can get them done when you’re better.” Scar said, stroking Grian’s feathers again, Grian didn’t make a move to get him to stop this time, rather leant into the touch, resting his head on Scar’s shoulder.

Scar wrapped an arm around Grian with a smile as the shorter hermit yawned.

“You need to rest, go to sleep.” Scar said quietly.

“Stay here?” Grian asked him tiredly, only now feeling the real effects of being sick.

“If it’ll make you rest.” Scar replied, Grian nodded, wrapping his arms around Scar and finally falling asleep back asleep on his shoulder.

Scar held him close, making sure nothing woke him up, sure he was missing out on working on his projects, but Grian’s health meant more to him than that, he had to make sure Grian stayed asleep, he knew the builder too well, if he let him, he would work until he collapsed, so Scar stayed with him until he was better, taking care of the gremlin happily. 


Very cute ship uwu I love it

also that's the last of this little dump, I tried to also finish Evocation part 2 but the ideas weren't really there

I might finish it at some point

also I'ma try and write some more while I'm Camping but no promises.

also ye I'm going camping so you might not hear from me at all until I get back (Saturday) so cya then I guess uwu

hope you enjoyed


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