Cleo (pt. 1)

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Please suggest better names for this, I couldn't think of anything XD

Everything was ok when the zombie virus was first recognised, in a small town quite far away from, well, anywhere. The US government quickly rounded them all up and quarrentined them in the government facility area 51, where they were studied to find a treatment.

But one day it all went wrong. One of the zombies managed to escape. Soon enough all the facility workers and guards were zombies and, with no-one now to stop them, the zombie virus quickly spread across North America, and then, as people flew to other countries to escape it, the virus spread around the world.

About ten thousand lucky individuals managed to make it through the only interdimensional portal that the world had before it was closed, for the safety of other dimensions and Cleo and her family, unfortunately, were not among them. 

So anyone left on the planet was left to fight for their lives, or give themselves up to the zombies. Neither option was so great, but most went with the best of the two, fight. 

When they first heard about this terrible situation, Cleo's mum ransacked all the nearest stores, they barricaded their house and lived, stuck there for a few months, before the zombies found them. 

Cleo was about 14 at the time the zombies attacked their house, she barely escaped alive, her parents and sister however were not so lucky. 

She ran and ran, knowing that her family was dead, and she kept running. That was until she ran into another group of survivors who were based in the ruins of Brooklyn. The survivors took her in, with a motive that was hidden from her. 

A motive that revealed itself on the day Cleo died. 

A huge hoard of zombies attacked the base, there was no way the five survivors would survive fighting them, but they were cornered,there didn't seem to be any escape. 

"Sorry Cleo." The leader of the group said to her before shoving her forward into the zombies. She stumbled and fell, dropping her gun, there was no escape now, this is the end. 

The zombies were on her. There was no hope for Cleo now, but in a last attempt at survival she pushed herself up and shoved her way through the zombies, pushing them to the sides. 

When she made it though, she ran again. She was used to this by now, running. 

Cleo sat down when she finally reached a place she deemed "Safe enough for now,'' a large burnt out, but still standing, cathedral, and examined her wounds. Her arms were bleeding and scratched up, her whole body seemed to be bruised, her clothes were torn to shreds but none of these things concerned her more than the bite on her left forearm. 

She knew she was going to die. She would become a mindless zombie and roam the world like every other zombie, and she had never made it to her 16th birthday. 

That night, Cleo fell asleep remembering her life before the infection broke out. Her wonderful family, her younger sister, her friends at school. All the memories that she had forgotten in the blind fight for survival, which, in the end, was all for nothing. Cleo didn’t expect to wake up the next morning.


Sunlight was streaming through the high up stained glass windows of the cathedral. Windows that hadn’t been destroyed by the fire or by the zombies. Cleo woke up in a daze, barely remembering the events of the night before at all, in fact, she barely remembered anything before waking up.

Her whole body ached, there was a low droning in her head, she sat up slowly, shaking her head to get rid of the grogginess, she went to rub her eyes but when she lifted her hand it wasn’t skin coloured anymore. It was a strange greyish green, the colour made her want to throw up. 

She found a stray shard of glass and used it like a mirror to look at her reflection, she was terrified of the truth, which she knew, but she wanted to deny it, but she saw her face reflected in the dead green colour. Her ginger hair contrasted with the green and looked slightly strange, but that didn’t bother her at all compared to the green skin.

Although she knew she was a zombie, she didnt understand how she was still thinking, she didn’t know how she still seemed to be concious, she couldn’t remember anything previously, she couldn't remember her family, friends, school, although she remembered everything she had learnt in school. 

Leaving the cathedral Cleo decided that she would wander the earth, as a zombie would, but instead of hunting to kill she would hope that a human would cross her path, someone who could save her, help her, get her out of this destroyed world. 

(Three years later) 

Cleo wandered aimlessly, across the old America, it was barely recognisable now, most of the buildings were bashed and broken, some had even collapsed in on themselves. It was a desolate landscape. 

This day started just like any other, more aimless wandering. 

Cleo guessed that almost all the humans were dead by now, except she guessed the ones living on smaller island in colonies disconnected from anywhere, but that day she was proved wrong by a stranger crouched on the roof of a nearby building. 

He wore complete armour, nothing like she had ever seen, and a helmet that looked like a modern gas mask, he carried duel swords and was watching the hoard of zombies suspiciously. 

Out of nowhere, he jumped down from the roof of the building and landed feet first on the cracked pavement, the zombies, hearing the sound, turned and began stumbling towards him, Cleo hung back, this guy looked powerful, and he didn't look like he was from this world, he might be her only way out of this ruin of a dimension. 

He advanced on the zombies, quickly cutting them down one by one until she was the only one left. He advanced on her, his swords at the ready and his eyes full or determination, Cleo stumbled backwards, away from the stranger, barely keeping her footing, a look of pure terror on her face. 

She tripped on the curb and fell back into the road, she shuffled back, but he was quicker than her, he stood over her, his swords raised to deliver a killing blow, she turned her face away, her eyes clenched shut to stop tears, she knew this was the end, again, she raised one arm in a defensive action and braced herself for the feel of a blade cutting her in half.

Hue hue hue

Sorry about the cliffhanger! ;)

I hope you enjoyed, there's another part of this coming!


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