A strange portal (kingdomCraft crossover pt1)

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This one is for HermitcraftSnake you said about it ages ago, it's taken me this long to do it, but it's done!

This is a crossover between hermitcraft and Kingdomcraft (another MC factions based series)

Note: there are two curse words (yes two, how terrible of me) but hey, j wanted to say it so I did and you can't stop me mwahahaha

The day the strange portal had randomly appeared in the middle of Falsewell, Scar and Doc were right on it. Doc doing tests on the blocks surrounding the portal and the swirling pink portal matter and Scar making quick work of securing the area.

Three weeks later Doc had figured out that the portal lead to a different world, not too much unlike their own, so X had decided to assemble a small group of hermits go through the portal,

The six hermits stood in front of the portal. Cub, Scar, Grian, Iskall, X and Stress, they were talking together, obviously exited about this new world, and getting ready to go.

Four people were watching from a large clump of bushes nearby.
"This is useless." One said, "They're going to catch us!"
"No shit Sherlock." Another said, "they can probably hear you from the Old Lands with the noise you're making."
"Both of you shut up!" Another, who had been watching the group through a gap in the bushes hissed, "BadTimes you are no better than he is."
"We should just run into the portal." The fourth one said.
"No! We have to wait until they go through, and go at the same time, or they'll just go through and bring us back." Sherlock said.
“No shit Sher-” Badtimes said again, interrupted by a slap in the face from Sherlock.
“Language Badtimes!” the one who had been looking out of the bush turned to face Sherlock and Badtimes, “And violence Sherlock!”
“But Poultry man!” Sherlock said, “He’s really annoying.”
“I agree, but you all need to be quiet if we wanna see what’s on the other side of the portal.”
“I’m only going because you made me. I would rather be here, without my brother.” The fourth said, looking grumpy.
“Aww it’ll be a fun adventure Ex, just let yourself have fun for once.” Said poultry man, “Stop being grumpy.”

“Can you guys here something?” Grian asked, eyeing a row of bushes suspiciously.
“Uh no?” X said, looking at him, “Are you ok Grian?”
“Yeah, I thought I heard something, never mind.” Grian said, dismissing the noises he had heard as his own imagination.
“Is everyone ready?” X asked, looking around at the small group. Before they had met up each of them had prepared multiple shulker boxes of supplies in case they needed to stay in the new world for a while. There was a chorus of nods and “yep”s.
“Alright, lets go.” X said, before stepping through the portal with the others following close behind.

They hadn’t been in the other world for longer than five seconds before there was a loud commotion behind them. X spun around to see four people tumbling out of the portal much less than gracefully, out of the figures, his eyes instantly caught his brother.
“Evil X! What the heck is this??” X said, angrily, no-one was supposed to follow them.
“Poultry? Sherlock?” Grian said, confused.
"Badtimes?" Scar said, "what is going on here?"
The four all started speaking at the same time, all saying a random excuse.
“Everyone be quiet!” X said over the noise, the four fell silent, “Thank you. Poultry man, you explain.”
“We were curious about where the portal went so we followed you.” Poultry man said, looking at him.
“Well you shouldn't have come." X said “This world could be dangerous, you guys need to go back.”
“It’s a bit late for that.” Grian said, “Look.” Everyone looked at the portal, which they could all see was cracking straight down the middle.
“Aww.” Said EX in mock sadness, “Guess that means we can’t go back!”
"Yes EX, it means we can't get back." X said, seeming rather worried, "I hope Biffa can take care of Hermitcraft until we find a way back…"
Scar nodded, "We told them we were going, it'll be fine."

"Now what?" Cub said, looking around.
"I guess we have a look around?" Stress suggested.
"Sounds like the best ide-" Iskall said,
"We don't want to stay here with you!" EX said defiantly.
"We don't know what the residents of this world would be like, we should stay together-" Grian said before he was interrupted by a female voice that didn't belong to Stress.
Aaaaaand cut!

Here's a nice cliffhanger for y'all!
Don't worry, there will be actual kingdomCraft stuff in the next chapter.

Also this thing will 100% be lasting multiple chapters, it is a crossover from kingdomCraft, so If you haven't watched it then you should Because it's cool! :D


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