Day 20: warm drinks

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Mumbo, Iskall and Grian were sat on the steps to the Sahara building. They were each wrapped up in thick winter clothes.

They were sat watching the snowflakes drift down against the night sky, marveling at how beautiful they were.

"They're so… peaceful." Said Grian, "they're so free, they could go anywhere."
Iskall smiled at him, Mumbo continued to look out at the snowflakes.
"They're so simple… but yet so beautiful and pristine, like a giant complex redstone contraption that works first time…" Mumbo said. Grian laughed.
"When you compare redstone to snowflakes, you know your obsessed." Grian said, Mumbo playfully hit him on the back of the head.
"Shut up." Mumbo said, laughing.
"It's true." Grian said, also laughing at mumbo.
"Hang on guys." Iskall said, reaching into a bag he had brought with him. After a bit of rummaging he pulled out three metal flasks.
"Here." He said, passing them across to Grian and Mumbo.
"Ooh…" Grian said, "hydroflasks! Sksksk!"
This time Iskall slapped Grian.
"No." Iskall said.
Grian giggled, "Ok Iskskskall."
Iskall just facepalmed,
"Iskall you're a VSCO girl!" Grian yelled.
"how!?" Iskall protested.
"Well you carry around hydroflasks.." Grian said, "Plus, your names has "sk" in it!"
Mumbo started laughing his head off. He took the flask and opened it. Drinking a bit.
"Oww! Hot!" Mumbai yelled, holding his flask.
"Well yeah." Iskall said, "it's hot chocolate! And I'm not a VSCO gir! I'm not even a girl!"
Grian started laughing at his two friends, he opened his flask and blew on the hot chocolate to cool it down, them he drank a bit.
"Nice!" Grian said, "thanks Iskall."
"No problem dude." Iskall said smiling.

The three continued to watch the snowflakes fall until it got too cold to be out there, so they went into the meeting room and had more hot chocolate, laughing and chatting and calling each other VSCO girls like friends do.

I honestly don't know anymore....

I hope you enjoyed...?


Also 4k reads what the heck!

Thank you guys so much!

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