Grian's crush

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This was a request from Cookie506, I hope you enjoy :)

Xisuma and Grian were digging a large hole together, quite far away from the main island. X wanted to dig this hole for an experimental farm, and Grian was helping him.
"Aww man!" Grian said, holding up his pickaxe, which had snapped, "And my elytra is broken, so I can't go back and get a new one!"
X laughed, "I could go to your base and get you one."
"T-thanks X." Grian said. Looking down at the floor.
"No problem." X said, smiling, "I'll be back."

X landed outside of Grian's large base, He jumped down and surveyed the mess of shulker boxes and chests that covered the floor and parts of the walks around him. He sighed and walked forward, beginning to look inside the chests for a pickaxe.

10 mins later

X was still looking around the chests, he moved onto the ones near the back, in a black shulker box, he found an old looking book, hand bound, it looked like pieces of paper had been added at the back where the pages ran out, he opened the book and began to read.

Dear diary,

Sam's looking for me again, I don't think I'll be able to hide much longer...


X shut the book, this was a diary, the page had been dated about seven years before today. He didn't want to invade privacy, but this book might answer Grian's weird behaviour, not sleeping, acting way to helpful...

Dear diary,

Sam found me, he beat me up again... someone help... please....

Xisuma kept reading in shock, who was this Sam?

Dear diary,

I can't find Taurtis... I think Sam has him...

X read the next entry, worry growing evident on his face.

Dear diary,

I think Sam's going to kill me... please someone save me...


Dear diary,

Taurtis is dead... I'm next... I need to leave...

Oh nether gods... X thought, people were dying?

Dear diary,

Sam forced me to dress up as Taurtis... he dyed my hair... I don't think I'll ever be able to wear blue again...

Sam's coming....

X shook his head, It seemed that this might be the explanation for his behaviour.

Dear diary,

Sorry everyone..

But I need to escape Sam... I hope you can escape too...

X sighed, all of Grian's friends were dead... there were pages ripped out in some places, there was a dark purple marker page and the next entries were dated about two years later.

He continued to read.

Dear diary,

I'm starting my journey as an admin today, I'm finally letting people into my server, Evolution, or Evo, for short.

I hope this goes well.


It seemed to X that things were looking up for Grian. The next entry was about a month or two later.

Dear diary,

Today I passed the tests to become the highest ranking admin! I can't wait to use my new abilities for the good of Evo.


X was confused, if he was one of the highest ranking admin, then he was more powerful than X, and highest admins kept their powers cross servers, which meant that Grian could have control of hermitcraft, he read on.

Dear diary,

Taurtis arrived in Evo!! I'm so happy to see him, I missed him a lot

We moved onto a new update today! With help from the watchers, of course, now I have to go prank Netty,


So this Taurtis guys was back, he must have been a good friend. X thought. He flicked past a few entries, mostly detailed descriptions of pranks or buildings, before he came to another marker, this one read "Hermitcraft."

Dear diary,
Xisumavoid invited me to join Hermitcraft! I'm so exited! I hope everyone there will accept me...


X smiled, he knew Grian had been happy about joining Hermitcraft. The next one was dated several months later, he only seemed to write when something important happened.

Dear diary,

I think I like someone... I don't know about it, I don't think they like me back, at least in that way...


Who was this person? Who did Grian have a crush on?

Dear diary,

Why won't he notice me? He probably thinks I'm stupid.



Dear diary,

I'm useless, I can't build right, I can't even get my crush to notice me...

Maybe it would be better if I just ended it all...

No-one would miss me anyway.


X's eyes were wide, this was the last entry in the book, only a few days ago. He shook his head, he needed to talk to Grian about this, as admin it was his duty to make sure everyone in the server was happy as well as safe, so he pocketed the diary and made his way out of Grian's base.

Forgetting all about the pickaxe he'd come to Grian's base for in the first place, he took off back in the direction he had came


"Hey X!" Grian said, *Did you get a pickaxe?"
"No I didn't, but Grian, I need to talk to you, it's really important." X said, Grian shifted nervously.
"What about?"
"Something I found in your base-" X took the diary out of his pocket,
"You- you read my diary!?" Grian said, taking the book and blushing slightly.
"Yes, I'm sorry." X said, "But I wanted to talk to you about it."
Grian paled slightly, "W-what about?"
"The more recent entries." X said, "What you said, about feeling useless..."
Grian stayed silent.
"That no-one notices you..." X Said, "how you feel."
Grian looked at him, worried and scared, X remembered another thing he had read in the diary,
"And what about being one of the highest ranking admins? Why didn't you tell me Grian?"
"I-i'm sorry! I didn't know what you would say! I d-didn't want to be k-kicked..."
"Why would I kick you?" X asked.
"B-because... I could literally destroy the server if I wanted..." Grian whispered.
"But you wouldn't! I know you Grian, you would never do something like that! Plus, you haven't done something like that, and it's been almost two years." X said, "And I care about you, that's why I'm asking about all of this."
X reached forward and hugged Grian,
"You know how many people on this server would hate themselves if you were gone... they'd all think it were there fault, that they should have noticed, even though it's pretty unnoticeable," X whispered, "I don't think I'd know how to continue, it's my job to keep everyone safe... if one of the hermits died permanently, I don't know what that would do to me."

Grian pulled away from the hug, his face was red and his eyes were wide with shock and worry.
"I'm sorry!" Grian said, "Xisuma... i-I like you!" He blurted out, X was shocked, he didn't know what to say.
"I-I- like you X, as-as more than friends...*
X was stunned, he was Grian's crush?
"I- I like you too Grian." X said, "I'm so sorry I didn't notice you sooner.*
"It's ok." Grian said, X hugged him again, before stepping away.
"Damn you sti need a pickaxe."
Grian laughed, "maybe we should just head back."
"But your elytra-"
"You can carry me."
"Oh umm ok then..."

The end! This took me ages to write, I hope you enjoyed XD


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