Class fight pt1

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Omg 12k reads you guys are awesome.

Also, let's just take some time to appreciate this:

Also, let's just take some time to appreciate this:

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666 votes and 77 chapters. Beautiful.

Anyway, this is sorta a vent Oneshot because of something that happened at school last Wednesday, I meant to post this on Saturday but I kept forgetting, sorry ;-;

Anyway, the oneshot!

Iskall threw the first punch, hitting the side of Xisuma's face, he winced, growled and retaliated, attempting to kick Iskall in the shins, but Cub got there first, punching Iskall in the shoulder and sending him stumbling backwards,

All three of them were yelling, cursing at each other, a lot of it just sounded like utter gibberish.

Grian, Keralis and Scar stood watching from the sidelines as the crowd chanted,

"why do they have to fight!?" Grian said,
"It's awful, I hate it, why can't we all be friends?" Scar asked.
"It's always, "we're rival companies! We can't get along!"" Keralis mimicked Xisuma as said Xisuma punched Cub in the nose, Scar flinched.
"Cubby-* he whimpered.
"Grian? What's going on?" Mumbo asked, walking into the hall late for lunch, as usual.
Grian sighed, "they're at each other's throats again, but literally this time."

Cub's nose was bleeding now, he kicked Xisuma in the shins and sent him crashing to the floor,
"Sheswami-" Keralis said,
"I'm going to get a teacher." Mumbo said, Grian nodded and Mumbo walked out of the hall.

"Where's Bubbles?" Keralis asked, Scar looked concerned, "no idea…"
"Probably off being annoyed at Doc for something, he's fine." Grian reassured,

Xisuma pushed himself up and lunged at Iskall, grabbing his arm and twisting it whilst kicking his legs out from under him.
"ISKALL!" Grian yelled, feeling tears in his eyes,
"SHESWAMI STOP!" Keralis yelled as Iskall whimpered in pain.


Scar hugged Grian's arm as the head teacher came into the room, as she talked to the three boys, Cub stormed out and Scar went to follow him, before being stopped by the teacher.
"Alright." The head teacher said, "Everyone who saw the fight, stay right here."
Scar sighed, "I hope they're all ok…"
"Me too." Nodded Grian,

"Come on, we should see if Shiswami and Iskall are ok," Keralis said.
"Yeah, come on." Scar said, running over to Iskall, Grian followed, kneeling down next to him.

"Iskall? Are you ok?" Grian asked him, Iskall glared at Scar, sat on his other side.
"I'm ok. My arm is dislocated." Iskal said.
"Doesn't that hurt!?" Scar asked, surprised.
"Of course it hurts idiot." Iskall spat at Scar, who flinched.
"Iskall, we should get you to the nurse." Grian said.
"I can't stand, my legs hurt." Iskal complained.
"Stop complaining, we will help you," Grian said, taking one of Iskall's arms around his shoulders, Scar did the same and they just about managed to lift him up.

Iskall was muttering something about Concorp when the teacher came back in.
"Can we take them to the nurse Miss?" Grian asked her, gesturing to himself, Iskall and Scar them at Keralis who was supporting Xisuma.
"Yes, go quickly, and come straight back you three." She said. Grian nodded and they left the hall.

"Iskall you have to stop fighting with them." Grian said, "one of you could get seriously hurt!"
"We have to assert dominance! I have to fight to be better than them!" Iskall said.
"Why can't we just be friends?" Scar asked, moving to help Iskall down the stairs, Keralis and Xisuma following behind them.
"We'll never be friends, Concorp Scum." Iskall hissed.
"Iskall! He has feelings you know!" Grian said,
"Does it look like I care?" Iskall said, glaring at Scar.
"Hey, I'm just trying to help you." Scar said, "No need to be horrible to me."
Iskall rolled his eyes as they continued walking.

(5mins later)

"-they got in a fight." Grian explained to the nurse when they arrived at her office.
She nodded, "jus' ge' 'em on the chairs over there." (Imagine a really chavvy Bristolian accent, that's what I was going for, no clue why.)

Grian sat Iskall down while Scar ran at Cub, who was sat on the chair opposite, holding a tissue and an ice pack on his nose.
"Cubby!" Scar yelled, hugging him, "are you ok? Are you hurt bad?"
"I'm fine Scar, besides a nosebleed and a few bruises," Cub reassured him.

Xisuma smirked smugly, you could see his bruised cheek courtesy of Iskall.
"Xisuma you shouldn't be proud of yourself! I'm disappointed in you." Keralis said, Xisuma looked hurt for a second.
"Sorry Keralis…" he said, Keralis, hugged him, knowing that X means it and that he understood, Keralis never called him Xisuma unless he was very upset.

Cub and Iskall were still glaring daggers at each other, Grian ewent and sat next to Cub.
"I can't exactly apologize on Iskall's behalf, but sorry anyway." Grian said, Cub smiled slightly and ruffled Grian's hair,
"It's ok Sand-Boy, you have nothing to apologize for." Cub said, Iskall humphed and glared at the floor.

“We should head back before Miss comes for us.” Scar said, Grian nodded and stood up.
“We will be back when Miss is done with us, I have something I want to propose to you all.” Grian said, before leaving the room, followed by Scar and Keralis.


This was incredibly interesting to write,

*Sigh* wattpad won't let me publish ;-;

Ok we're good now! Whoop!

Nevermind apparently I was wrong! XD, I'll try again-

Yass it worked!

Hope you enjoyed!


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