Evil gone Good (1)

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-if this reminds you of a request I left on anyone's book it's because it is, I just wanted to see what other people would do with it-

Evil Xisuma (EX for convenience) was sat in his large cave, he had spent most of his time hollowing it out while he stayed in his cave. So, as you might imagine, it was quite big.

EX sighed and looked around his cave, he was constantly upset, but he couldn't think why. Then it clicked, he was lonely, he stood up and looked up at the small entrance to the cave, which was providing the only light inside, he couldn't remember the last time he talked to another person other than Xisuma, his twin brother, And that hadn't been a pleasant experience seeing as it ended up with him being banned from the hermitcraft 5 server. 

He couldn't remember ever feeling lonely before, he had never needed another person's presence, so this was new to him.

He looked up again longingly at the sunlight streaming down into his cave, he had wanted to go up there for a while but was worried about the other hermits, he knew that none of them trusted him, with good reason, and some were even scared of 'the evil twin' 

After sitting in the middle of his cave for a long while, EX finally got the courage to leave. He got his flimsy stone pickaxe and got to mining a way out.


EX emerged from his cave onto a small river flowing, glistening in the sunlight, one way, there was a large, built-up area and on the other was plain forest that went on for a while.

He heard footsteps a little way away so he headed off in the opposite direction, unfortunately, the direction of the built-up area but he didn't really want to talk to anyone so he went with it.

EX walked through what looked like some sort of shopping district, there were shops selling anything he could think of. 

"Hey!" Someone said, happily, he turned around to see Impulse, his happy smile turned to a nervous frown when he saw EX.

"Oh! Uh… I thought you were X, I'll just go…" he looked around for an excuse to leave, "restock my shop!" Impulse ran off in the opposite direction, not giving EX a chance to speak. he let out a sigh and hung his head, continuing what seemed like his walk of shame through the shopping district.

EX looked up when he saw Doc and Ren outside the stock exchange, maybe he'd try to talk to them, he headed towards them slowly but he saw Ren whisper something to Doc, they both shot a quick glance at me and hurried inside the big quartz building, he turned away and kept walking.

Continuing through the shopping district he came across a travelling cart, A short dirty-blonde hermit with a red sweater was restocking the cart whilst humming a tune. EX hadn't seen this hermit before so assumed he was new. EX took a deep breath, deciding to introduce himself to this new hermit but as he got closer another guy swooped in and landed next to the dirty-blonde, it was the moustache man himself, MumboJumbo.

"Hey Grian, I need to talk to you!" He said, grabbing the blonde -Grian's- wrist and beginning to drag him off, "Come on quick!"

"Oh! Ok then!" Said Grian running to keep up with Mumbo. EX sighed, he knew that Mumbo had saw him and quickly took this new hermit away as Mumbo shot him a glare over his shoulder. Once they were out of earshot he yelled quietly and wrung out his hands in frustration.

EX's POV (I can't write in third person any more I'm sorry lol)

"Are you ok there love?" A female voice said behind me, I turned slightly, it was one of the three female hermits on the server, Stress.

“Fine,” I mumbled, Stress looked nervous, realizing it was me, but she didn’t turn away or make an excuse to leave.

“You obviously aren’t fine, love, what’s wrong?” she asked, I looked at her, a bit surprised, 

“W-why are you helping me?” I asked, “Are you not scared of me?”

“Nah, if you were going to try and kill me you would’a done it already love, now what’s wrong?” Stress said.

I stayed silent, I wasn't good with feelings and I didn't want to show any weakness to these hermits.

"I err…," I said, trying to think of something to say, I just shook my head.

"Hmmm…" Stress said, she seemed determined to find out what was wrong, "You want to blow up the server, but you can't find any TNT?" She guessed. I shook my head.

Stress looked off into the distance, "You wanna find X to annoy him but you can't?" 

I shook my head again.

"Maybe… you want to create a lag machine to annoy everyone but you don't have the resources?" 

"That's already been done." I pointed out, shaking my head.

"Hmmm…" she seemed to have given up on finding out what was wrong and as trying to find a new tactic, I couldn't figure out what it was.

"Oh, I know!" Stress yelled, "You want to steal Mumbo's moustache, then find it and not give it back, but you don't have any diamonds to pay for the machine!" 

I smiled slightly, "Is that even possible?"

"Yeah, Grian made a cool machine that takes his moustache, it costs a lot though." Stress said.

"That sounds fun," I said, smiling properly now.

"Yes! I win!" Stress shouted.

I was confused, "what did you win?"

"I made you smile!" She said, "Now will you tell me what's actually wrong?" 

I sighed and took a deep breath, "I don't want to be evil any more Stress! I want to be good, but no-one will talk to me, they keep running away!" 

Stress looked surprised, then thoughtful, "Well, I think we could start with a tour?" She suggested. I stood there for a few seconds silently before replying.

"Yes! Thank you so much Stress!" I said.

"I'm always here to help a friend in need!" She said, smiling, "Now let's go!"

Word count: 1045

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