Cat summons

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Iskall was meeting stress outside of her ice fort, he needed a large amount of ice and he didn't have the time to AFK for long enough.

He rang Stress' doorbell (I'm giving her a doorbell you try and stop me-) and waited for her to arrive, when she opened the door she was holding a ginger cat.

"Aww cute." Iskall said, stroking the cat, "Hey stress!"
"Hey love! What do ya need?"
"I came to ask for some ice, and I didn't know but I needed to see this cat-" Iskall said, reaching to stroke the cat.
"Cat!? I heard someone say cat!" Scar yelled, faceplanting the ground in front of them making Iskall and stress jump backwards in surprise.
"Woah dude! Where did you come from!?"
"Cats summon me." Scar said, before petting Stress' cat and flying off into the distance.
"That was …. Really Weird." Iskall said, looking at the trail of smoke Scar left as he flew.
"You betcha love."


Cub arrived at Grian's base with a large cardboard box in his hands, it was stamped with the Concorp logo along with a "fragile" sticker. Cub didn't know what was inside since Scar had wrapped up this particular package, he was just delivering it.
"Grian!?" Cub called, he saw Grian's red shirt among the brightly coloured shulkers that littered his floor.

"Down here!" He heard Grian call, Cub flew down to meet the blonde and placed the box on the floor at Grian's feet.
"Ooooh! Thanks Cub!" Grian said, throwing some diamonds at him, "I've been waiting for this!"
Cub watched curiously as Grian opened the box revealing three furry creatures, one black, one tabby and one calico.
"...Cats? You ordered cats from Concorp-" Cub said before he was interrupted by someone nosediving in between them from the hole on the ceiling.

"I heard cats!?" Scar said, standing up.
"I bought cats from you!" Grian said happily.
Cub just shook his head, "of course you did. Also Scar you gotta stop doing that."
"The word cat summons me." Scar said matter-of-factly. Cub just shook his head with a sigh.
"Of course." Cub said, "we'll see ya Grian, enjoy you Concats." (Concorp cats for anyone who's confused)


Tango and Impulse were working on upgrading a creeper farm, impulse was gathering cats to use to scare the creepers.

"Hey Tango, do you think this is enough cats-"
"Did I hear someone say cats!?" Scar said, jumping up through a hole in the floor he had just dug. Impulse yelped and jumped back from the hole.

"What the-" Tango said, coming over, "Where did you come from!?"
"Someone said Cat so I came." Scar said.
"You broke a hole in the floor man…" Tango said,
"Yeahhh but cats." Scar said, going and individually petting each of the 27 cats that impulse had gathered, then promptly dived through the hold he'd broken, placing the slab back behind him.


Cleo was busy teaching Jevin how to use the magical armour stand book by making a little diorama in her village streets,

"Alright, so now make this one bend over like it's going to pet this cat." Cleo nudged a cat towards the armour stand Jevin was manipulating just as Scar leapt out from behind a pile of barrels,
"Cat!? Where's the cat!? You said cat!" Scar said, running up to Cleo.
"I uh, yes I did-?" Cleo said, looking baffled.
"Cat!” Scar squealed, hugging the cat before leaping into the sea and swimming away.


I uhh, dunno how to end this, soo…

The end I guess.

Hope you enjoyed this weird idea I had XD,


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