Too many chances

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EX had made it through the infinity portal just before it reset from the Season 7 server ID back to taking you “to your wildest dreams” He was surprised Xisuma hadn’t put up a little more protection against him coming through to the server, after he was banned again from S6.

Waking up in a large jungle, with giant trees all around him, his head span, it was a usual feeling with using special portals, like end or interserver portals for example. He quickly sat up and looked around, wondering where he was. It seemed like he was a little late, he could already see a few builds popping up around him.

Across a large but clearly shallow lake he could see a giant snail, who’s shell had windows, a door and a chimney which was puffing smoke. He was sort of weirded out by the huge animal, the only snails he’d ever seen were smaller than his finger, he didn’t like the thought of a giant one.

In the opposite direction was a U shaped hill. The hill had large, intricately decorated rounded windows carved into the stone, and a large round birch door in the centre. There were other items dotted around the front lawn, including a seemingly operational villager breeder, and a small stack of chests, put there purposely to be moved for a project most likely.

Making a quick decision, Ex headed towards the large house in the hill. He couldn’t easily guess who lived there, so he would have to stake out in the trees for a while to find out. There were some hermits he did not want to meet in the wild this season.

It was almost nightfall when the hermit belonging to the house returned, dressed in gleaming diamond gear, with his dark purple wings folded behind him, floppy dirty blonde hair which fell into his face, it was Grian, who EX still considered "the new guy"

This was pretty lucky, most of the hermits knew not to trust him, they had good enough reason to, but Grian was still the most oblivious, he knew about him, sure, but he's still the most likely to help him out of all of them.

EX made his way down from his perch on the hill, he cautiously approached the door, looking around, afraid one of the other hermits would appear. He hesitantly knocked on the door, which made a satisfying sound which echoed through the house.

The door was opened and Grian looked at him, his head tilted to the side, slightly confused.
“Xisuma? No wait, you’re not Xisuma…” He said, looking at me, I stayed silent, wondering if he would figure out who i actually was, “Waiii… you look like Xisuma, but you’re not Xisuma, he has a bee head, but… wait! Evil Xisuma!”
I clapped slowly, “well done you figured me out,” I said in a sarcastic voice but also a small smile, he hadn’t slammed the door in my face as soon as he knew who i was, that was a plus.

“What are you doing here? I swear Xisuma said you couldn’t get into this world anymore…?” Grian said, still confused.
“That is true, he made the world so i couldn’t hack onto it this time, but he didn’t think of me sneaking through the portal did he?” EX said with a smug look, proud of outsmarting his brother yet again,

“Well you’re late, we started the server a few weeks ago, how come the portal got you here late?”
“Does it look like i either know or care?” EX said with a glare, he didn’t care why the portal got him here late, though he was grateful for it, it meant he didn’t spawn on the spawn island with the others after all.

Grian shrugged, “Just wondering.”
“You’re too curious for you own good.” EX replied, “You’ll get yourself killed.”
“Sure i will, you’ll get yourself killed if you stay stood out there, it’s getting dark and I don't fancy my hobbit hole blown up thank you very much.”
“And I don't fancy dying and my name coming up in chat.” EX muttered, looking over his shoulder, the zombies were already spawning in the trees and he had nothing to defend himself with, he quickly realised how true Grian’s statement actually was.
“Then come inside, This hobbit hole is big enough for two.
EX scoffed, even though he was happy for the offer, “You’d just invite me in, just like that? Me of all people.”

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