a new world (KC crossover)

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(Ok, a few things to say:
1: don't kill me, I made Calum a fox hybrid instead of an actual fox so it would be easier to write,
2: this story is not my top priority since there's not that many of you guys who actually know what kingdomCraft is, so don't worry, more stuff is coming!
I think that's it, let's go!


The group of now ten turned almost unanimously towards where the voice came from. Stood on the path was a girl with bright pink hair and blue eyes, she looked at them, quite confused and curious, but with no fear at all.

"Who are you people? How did you get here?" The woman asked after no-one answered.
"Oh uh, hi sorry." X stammered, nervous,"Um, we came from a different dimension, there was a portal, it took us here-"
"You came through that portal?" The woman interrupted him, "we've been trying to figure out where that goes for weeks!"
"I'm sorry but, who are you?' Grian asked, curious.
"Oh, I'm LDShadowlady, but just call me Lizzie, I'm the admin of this world." She said, "Who are you?"
"I'm Xisuma, you can call me X, I'm the admin of the world we came from." X held his hand out to her, which she shook.
"I'm Cub, this is Scar." Cub said, gesturing to Scar with a wide sweep of his arms,
"I'm Grian! Nice to meet you!" Grian chirped up,
"Isksll and Stress." Iskall said, gesturing to himself, then to Stress.
"And I am Poultry Man, this is Sherlock, BadTimesWithScar and Evil Xisuma." Poultry Man said, stepping forward and gesturing to his group in tern.
"Well, you all seem like no threat, but I'm going to call a server meeting, so we can decide what to do." Lizzie said, taking out a communicator.

(An hour later)

The group of hermits were stood behind Lizzie as she introduced them to the crowd of people who live in this world.
"Right, hello everyone," Lizzie said, silencing the group's chatter, "Today, I found these guys, they apparently came out of a portal from their world, which has now disappeared.”

While Lizzie talked and introduced them to the group most of the hermits took the opportunity to look over the inhabitants of this world. Grian noticed a guy in a hoodie, a girl in a striped blue and white top and an ogre guy who was glaring at basically everyone, Grian noticed that he was glaring at Poultry Man more than the others.

“Now then!” Lizzie said, “Since you guys are new here and seemingly have no way back, we will choose groups, you guys will join together with someone.”
“Can I go with them!” A girl with Galaxy hair called, pointing at the four Alters,
“Uh, sure.” Lizzie said.
“They’re a bit of a handful.” Grian said.
“I am the corrupted queen, i can handle it.” She said with a large smile.
“She sounds cool.” Badtimes whispered to Poultry Man, who nodded.
“Well that’s good! Now for the rest of you.” Lizzie siad, “X, you can come with me.”
X nodded, “Fine by me.”

Lizzie left the rest of the group to get to know each other before they chose groups and went back to their kingdoms, her and X chatted about admin things while the other hermits and Kingdomcrafters mingled.

Grian went around the crowd, talking to people, he got along with most of them, but he ended up pared off with Joel, the ogre guy.

Stress was torn between two of the members of KingdomCraft, a short guy with a panda hat, whose name she'd learnt was Oli, and the girl with the stripy top, who's name was Stacy. They were arguing about who would take her in.
“I know how we can solve this.” Stress said, they both looked at her, “Who has a base in the coldest area?”
Oli looked defeated and pointed at Stacy, she nodded.
“Alright then, i’ll go with you.” She said to Stacy, “We can still be friends though!”

Cub and Scar headed around together, talking to everyone, trying to figure out who was the most powerful in the group. They ended up going together with a guy in a hoodie, who’s name was Scott.

Iskall looked around the group of people who weren't paired up yet, he noticed a guy who looked like a fox hybrid, he had fox ears, orange hair and a large fox tail and went over to talk to him, they became friends quickly and decided to pair together.

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