Shulker Hybrid

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this is an au where all of the hermits are mob hybrids, with some it's easier to tell, like Cleo being a zombie or tango being a blaze, in this oneshot Impulse is one of the few they hermits don't know about being a hybrid :D you might be seeing more of this idk lol

(again fully platonic uwu)




(I think those are right)
y'all wanted to be tagged in this uwu


Impulse was the only hermit who wasn't a hybrid, or at least didn't seem to be. None of the hermits really cared that he wasn't one when the rest of them were and Impulse was glad for that. 

He was glad because that fact let him hide his hybrid self. He hated it, it was weird, but easy to hide, lucky for him 

Being a shulker hybrid wasn't exactly fun. every now and again Impulse would cough up a ball of levitation that would make it's way to the nearest player, that was the weird part and he had no clue how his best friends would feel about it, so he just never told them. 


Zed and Impulse were busy watching Tango as he demonstrated how he could set things on fire with a touch like he had at least three times this week. 

Tango was a blaze hybrid and he wasn't afraid to show it, Impulse envied him a little, Tango had cool abilities and he wasn't at all embarrassed like impulse was. 

Even Zed, a sheep hybrid, was happy about it. Although he had no special abilities he was still happy to show off his cute little horns and little wooly tail. 

"Hey guys! watch this!" Tango said, excitement clear in his voice as he lit the ground where he was standing on fire, Tango himself was immune to it. 

Zed clapped with a smile "Nice! It's not like you do that normally and show us every other day!”

"Yeah- but I love it! it's so cool!" Tango said happily, "Now-" 

Impulse tuned Tango out as he felt the all too familiar feeling of something being lodged in the throat, he put a hand over his mouth, looking at the two a little panicked.

“I have to go-” He murmured before jumping up from his seat and running. 

“What's up with him?” Tango asked, earning a shrug and a confused look from Zed, “Come on, let's follow him- he might be hurt, he looked like he was going to be sick-”

Zed jumped up and followed Tango in the direction Impulse had ran, Eventually they found him in the middle of a coughing fit.

“Impulse?” Zed asked, going to approach him.

“Are you ok my friend?” Tango asked him as he coughed again.

“Go- away-” Impulse forced out between coughs.

“No! You’re obviously not ok and you’re our friend. We want to help you.” Zed said, putting a hand on impulse’s shoulder.

Impulse tried to turn away from them as he let out a final heaving cough, spitting something out the way a cat might spit out a hairball, but it wasn’t a hairball, it was a small ball of energy that tango recognised as one from a shulker, and it was coming right towards him.

Tango made an “oof” sound as the levitation ball hit him square in the chest, causing him to begin floating upwards off of the ground and hit the ceiling of the room they were in, being stuck there by the levitation effect for a few seconds.

Soon enough the levitation effect wore off and Tango fell back to the ground with another “oof”. Zed ran over to check if he was ok while Impulse looked at the ground, embarrassed and scared. His friends knew about him now and there was nothing he could do about it.

“Zed I’m fine-” Tango said, pushing Zed away gently and standing up, “Impulse?”

Impulse remained looking at the floor, fiddling with the hem of his shirt, a nervous habit.

“You’re a hybrid too?” Tango asked him, coming right over to him, Impulse nodded, a small nod that was barely noticeable, but tango saw.

“Why did you hide it?” Tango asked, putting an arm around Impulses shoulders, Zed got up and came over, hugging Impulse from the other side.

“I- It’s weird- I’m weird- you guys probably hate me now-” Impulse said quietly.

“Of course not- why would we hate you?” Zed asked.

“Spitting out levitation fun balls will not make us hate you Impulse." Tango said, "Heck Iskall and False give people wither effect randomly if you think levitation is bad-" 

"I-I know- it's just weird and-" Impulse stammered.

“Shut it.” Tango said, stopping Impulse’s rambling, “You’re not weird and we love you for who you are, heck if we didn’t we’d be the worst friends ever.”

“What Tango said.” Zed agreed, smiling at Impulse.

The shulker hybrid was silent for a second, just looking at his friends before a small smile appeared on his face, “Thanks guys…”

“No problemo!” Tango replied happily, “Now, have I shown you guys how I can set things on fire?”

Zed groaned, “again?”

“I’m kidding, Impulse why do you show us what you can do?”

wheee I love hybrid au aaaaaa

hope you enjoyed


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