Ash's Demise

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This is the story of how me and Viola die in demise! Credit to Viola for basically coming up with the idea lol. I just decided to write it because I thought it would be funny XD (I also expanded on it BC I wanted to work with the convex XD))

Also, this is quite far into the game, so I wanted to let you know who's still alive!

Grian, Ash, Viola, Iskall, Cub and Doc.

Also my prediction for Demise (I've spelt that wrong so many times now it's in my autocorrect) are the four actual hermits in that list, let me know yours :) )

I hope you enjoy our weird deaths!

~~ = people in chat

Ash was walking through the Sahara gardens when she came across a pressure plate with a sign which read:

A little gift, to 
show our friendship!

Ash inspected the pressure plate, she knew that Viola was on the alive team, but she was still paranoid. She quickly drank the potions of slow-falling and fire resistance that she kept on her in case of emergencies and stood on the pressure plate. 

For a moment nothing seemed to happen, then her vision was half cut off by the pumpkin that was dispensed onto her head. Seriously? Ash thought, reaching up to take it off of her head. Quickly she realised that it wasn’t coming off, it had curse of binding on it, and a label that read “Demised! XD”

Growling in frustration, Ash stalked off into Sahara, trying to deal with the pumpkin vision, after about five minutes she couldn’t stand the fact that she could hardly see anything and was starting to get a headache from it. She tried going around in Third person view, which made it easier to see, but didn’t help her headache.

After a few days she couldn’t bear the pumpkin hat anymore, so she decided that she had to die. She knew that she would lose the game, but she felt that it was all she could do, it was the only way to get rid of the pumpkin hat.

Even though, at this point, Ash wanted to die as soon as possible, she didn’t want to just die in lava, or let herself get killed by a phantom, so she got herself a nametag and found a zombie (Inside the towers at Grian’s base). She set to work naming the zombie and then, once she knew it was named, she let it kill her.

Ash_InTheFlames was killed by a headache inducing pumpkin

Viola: XDDD Yes!

Grian: LOL!

Scar: yas! join us Ash!

Ash respawned on the spawn island, she stretched out her wings, noting that they were slightly transparent. She looked down at herself to see that she was completely greyed out and, like her wings, was slightly transparent. Ash shot up into the sky, I will kill you viola. She silently promised herself.


Ash joined Scar at the gates to Concorp, they had been scheming on how to kill Viola.

"Alright." Ash said, pacing back and fourth in front of Scar. "We need to kill Viola."

"I agree." Scar said, "She needs to demise." 

"But how?" Ash asked.

"Uh guys? What are you doing?" Said Cub, coming out of the gates.

"Damnit Cub! I was on to something!" Ash said.

"No you weren't… you were just pacing…" Cub said.

"Alright Alright I can't think of anything!" Ash said.

Cub laughed, "I might have an idea, come with me.* 


It was a bright, starry night and Viola was going to meet Iskall at Concorp. She had no clue why she just knew that she had received a note from Iskall saying to meet him here, at night. 

As Viola waited for Iskall to arrive she noticed something, what seemed like a trail of pressure plates, and a light blue banner with an arrow.

Viola thought that the trail must be meant for her, it wouldn't be so obvious otherwise. The path led up a steep hill to the edge of a cliff, she suddenly felt quite paranoid, if she fell off that cliff, she was a goner. 

"Hello Viola." Someone said, Viola jumped backwards from the edge and turned around. About fifteen blocks away from her stood two men wearing Vex heads, one was alive and the other was on the dead team.

"Cub? Scar?" Viola asked, confused, "I thought I was meeting Iskall?"

"Not anymore." Scar said.

"Uhh what?" 

"We faked the note." Cub explained, "Iskall was never coming."

"Oh. I feel stupid." Viola said, "so umm… if I'm not meeting Iskall then why am I here?" 

"We have a small surprise for you." Scar said.

"We knew that if we told you what it was, you wouldn't come." Cub finished.

"Well, I'm here now, what is it?" Viola asked. 

"Oh yeah that." Scar said, "It's-"

Cub, who had been looking down the mountain, turned to Scar and did a frantic hand gesture.

"Cake!" Scar finished his sentence, putting multiple cakes down on the floor. Viola took a slice, obviously confused and not trying to hide it.

"Oh! Thanks! I guess…" Viola took a bite out of her cake and smiled, "This is nice." 

The two vex stood there silently, watching her eat cake, they looked at each other and nodded.

"Hello Viola." Said Ash as she came over the hill, her new ghostly transparency clearly visible in the starlight, and she had an evil grin on her face.

Viola suddenly realised what was happening, but it was too late, Ash had punched her and now she was a block away from the edge. She saw Ash back up as the two vex stepped forward and punched the Zombie that Ash had been leading all the way here towards her.

And suddenly she was falling. She tried to use her elytra to catch herself and then she remembered that her last one had broken, she had a gut-wrenching moment of regret for not buying a new one before she smashed on the ground and the death message popped up on everyone's communicators.

Viola_Halogen fell from a high place to escape Ash's revenge.

Grian: I guess Ash didn't like the pumpkin thing?

Viola: :< 

Ash stood at the top of the cliff looking over all of Viola's stuff, nothing much of value, some rockets, food and some useless junk. Ash thought about going to get it, but then again, if Viola wanted it Viola could get it herself. (I'm cruel ok?)

Ash turned to the vex who were laughing maniacally, Ash quickly joined them.

"You know, killing people is quite fun." She said, "come on, let's go have cake." 

"Excuse me?" Scar said.

"Hey, I might not be a vex but I like cake as much as the next hermit." Ash said, with a grin, "Now come on I wanna get in a sugar high!" 


I enjoyed writing Viola's death WAY too much XD 

I shouldn't have.enjoyed that as much as I did.

Also question: does anyone else find the vex mob kinda cute or is it just me?

It's probably just me.

Ok bye now!


Or maybe I should sign off as Ash?

What do you guys think?

Aww mam I have too many personas….

 Anyway I'm rambling! Bye!

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