Sherlock's strange story

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A request by xXRavenSongzXx
-Time: Grian's 100th episode (when he's going around touring everything)

Sherlock Grian was Grian’s cousin, along with Poultry man, Arianna Griande, and all of Grian’s other “Alter egos” as the hermits called them.

Grian invited Sherlock onto hermitcraft after a series of mysteries that he wanted solved. Grian built him a house, (with no exit) provided him with the necessities, food and water etc, and then left him to solve some mysteries.

Very soon after he settled in, two of the “Hermits” came to him with the curious case of the ‘Jangler’ which he had figured out, he enjoyed the company of the two hermits and was slightly upset when they figured out the mystery.

After that no-one came to see him. Not even Grian. He sat in his house, becoming quite lonely, everyone had forgotten about him.


Sherlock stood up from his desk and walked towards the open window from which he left his house. He planned to wander around the shopping district for a while, staying out of sight from the other hermits. He enjoyed looking around, seeing what was new.

However today he didn’t get as far as the window before he tripped on a rug and landed flat on his face.

He was about to get back up and carry on his day when yet something else decided to interrupt his plans.

Something small and fluffy and alive jumped up onto Sherlock's back, pinning him onto the floor, he turned his head to look at the thing, and saw it was a cat, and It sat on his back, as if it had conquered the world.

"Hey kitty!" Sherlock said, "Can I get up please?"
The cat stood up and crawled into his head, curling up in his hair and going to sleep.

Sherlock sighed, he could just get the cat off of him, but what kind of cruel person would do that? So instead, he lead there, on the floor, until it began to get dark outside when the cat finally decided to leave his head.

The cat sat in front of Sherlock as he sat up, he smiled at the cat who was watching him inquisitively.

“What do you want cat?” Sherlock asked, reaching to stroke it, the cat mewed and rubbed its face on Sherlock's hand.

He smiled at the cat, "Do you want to stay here?" He asked it, while looking it over. It was black and white with fluffy fur but it looked quite thin. It meowed again, purring.

"Aww you're adorable." Sherlock said, "Well you can stay here, let me go and find some fish for you."
The cat meowed happily and followed Sherlock to his little storeroom, which he had dug out of the mountain his house backed onto himself since Grian didn’t even give him that.

He found a few spare fish and gave one to the cat, who ate it, Sherlock smiled, watching the cat eat the fish.
“Wow you were hungry…” Sherlock said, almost to himself, “I’ll need more fish if you stay here.”

The cat mewed happily, and then jumped in the air when the doorbell rang.
“Hey hey, it’s ok kitty,” Sherlock said, scooping up the cat which clung to his coat. He made his way back to his desk and sat down, stroking the cat, which made its way to curl back up in his hair.

“Hey Sherlock!” he heard Grian say, “How are you? It’s been a while.
“Hey Gri- whaaat happened to your face!?” Sherlock said, noicing the large dragon head on Grian’s face, “Wait, let me guess, you were being stupid and gullible and you stood in front of a dispenser.”
“Yeah, that's what happened, it has-” Grian said,
“Curse of binding,” Sherlock said, Grian nodded, “I guessed, I assume you took this opportunity to start some sort of dragon cult?”
“Yeah. It’s called the dragon bros! And it’s not a cult, it’s an organisation!” Grian said.
“That’s what I said, a cult.” Sherlock said, smiling.
“But I said- ok whatever.” Grain said, “Oh hey you got a Cat! When did you get it? What’s it called?”
“Um, i got it today, because it came and sat on me.” Sherlock said, “It doesn’t have a name yet.”
“You should name it!” GRian said, “Any ideas?”
“I don’t know....” Sherlock said.
“That’s new.” Grian teased, “What about Watson?”
"Watson?" Sherlock repeated, looking at the cat, "I like that, what do you think?" His question was directed at the cat, who lay down on his files and purred.

"I think he likes it!" Grian said, moving to stroke the cat, "He's so cute!"
"He is adorable." Sherlock agreed.

"Well Sherlock, it was nice to see ya!" Grian said, about to fly from the open window.
"Goodbye, come visit sometime soon." Sherlock replied with a small wave.

Grian dived out if the window and Sherlock watched him speed away into the sky, Sherlock sighed, "He isn't gonna come and visit, is he Watson."

The cat meowed and nuzzled his hand, Sherlock sat back down at his desk and he curled up on his lap. Sherlock fell asleep like this, with Watson the cat curled up on his lap.

The end.


wow that took a while, *sigh*

This was really Weird yet adorable at the same time. I love it!

I hope you enjoyed!


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