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(they're all in highschool)

Every person on earth had a soulmate. And every soulmate was connected. When one soulmate wrote or drew on their skin it would also show up on the other soulmate’s skin in the same place, some soulmates used this as a way to communicate with each other. Some found it annoying. Others completely ignored it.

Grian sat in maths class. He wasn't paying attention to the teacher, as usual, he was terrible at maths. Instead, he was busy drawing blueprints for building designs on his hand and up his arm. This was a constant habit of his, partly because he loved drawing blueprints, but also because he loved to see his soulmate occasionally commenting on it, “This would be a cute pet room” or “That looks like it would be an amazing build to terraform.” Or even “Stop doodling! I need to concentrate!” 

Although he doodled a lot, it always made him smile when a cute little cat doodle appeared on his hand, or generally anything his soulmate drew,

“Hey Grian!” Mumbo whispered from the seat next to him, “Grian! The teacher asked you a question!”
“Oh! Umm… yes sir!” Grian said, sitting up. The teacher just sighed.
“Grian you need to pay attention!” The teacher said.
“I’m sorry sir.” Grian said.
“I’ll let you off, don’t do it again.” The teacher said, going back to teaching the class, while Grian went back to drawing on his arm.

“My teacher caught me doodling :(“ Grian wrote on his forearm.
“Haha, serves you right for doodling in class.” The reply came.
“But maths class is so booooring!
“Do your work!” His soulmate wrote.
“Ok ok! :(“ Grian replied before beginning to work on the incredibly difficult questions his teacher had set.

By the time the bell went, signalling the end of class, Grian had managed to finish all of the questions, (with some help from Iskall and Mumbo) he headed to the cafeteria for lunch, and sat down with his friends,

After school ended Grian began his walk home as he usually did every day. But this particular day he felt strange, as if something was about to happen.  As he always did Grian ended up absent mindedly drawing on his hand as he walked. He ended up drawing a winking cat poking out its tongue. His soulmate replied quickly with a smiley face.

Grian was so caught up in a conversation with his soulmate he didn't notice the person walking directly towards him until they crashed, both sending the other flying backwards.

Grian jumped back up quickly and brushed himself off, not being hurt bar a few bruises, and ran over to the other boy. Immediately offering his hand to help him up.
“I’m so sorry are you ok?” Grian said, the strange boy took his hand and Grian pulled him up.

“I-i’m fine.” He said, “You have nothing to apologise for, I should have been looking where I was going.” he brushed off his coat and straightened the cowboy hat he was wearing.
“I think we were both not looking where we were going.” Grian said with a smile, “I’m Grian.”
“Scar!” Scar said with a smile.
“Nice to meet you! Are you new around here? I’ve never seen you before.” Grian said.
“Yeah, I just moved here… I’m starting at the school tomorrow.” Scar said.
“Oh nice! Wanna be friends?” Grian said.
“Sure!” Scar smiled, “See you tomorrow then.”

They both shared a smile and continued on their way, as soon as Grian got home he grabbed a pen and scribbled on his arm.

“I made a friend!” He wrote.
“Hey me too!” His soulmate wrote back almost immediately, “his name is Grian, he seems really sweet!”
Grian’s eyes widened in shock, his soulmate was Scar!? No it can’t be… he must be talking about a different Grian… but what if-
“Soulmate?” Showed up on his arm but for once Grian didn’t feel like replying right now.
“Sorry, gtg ttyl” Grian wrote, before flopping backwards on his bed and almost immediately falling asleep.

(The next day)

Grian headed into school as quickly as he could managel, he didn't know why, he had just felt like it. He sat at his desk and watched as the room filled up.

“-Ok, since Mumbo isn’t in school today you can sit in his seat for now.” Grian overheard the teacher saying. He looked up just in time to see Scar walking towards him.

“Hey Grian!” Scar said, sitting in Mumbo’s empty chair, “I hope you don’t mind me sitting here.”
“No-no it’s fine!” Grian said.

As class went on the two talked a lot. Grian was slightly  nervous, as he knew that Scar was most likely his soulmate, but Scar didn’t seem to notice.

“My soulmate has been really quiet today…” Scar said, almost to himself.
“Hm?” Grian asked, looking up from his work, “Do you talk a lot?”
“Yeah! Well, they usually doodle blueprints and stuff in class… but they haven’t even written anything today.”
Grian sighed.
“Are you alright Grian?”
Grian nodded, taking hold of his pen. He wrote on his hand, “Hey Scar?”

Scar looked at his hand for a second, before looking up at Grian then back at his hand. He did this repeatedly a few times.
Grian wrote again, “It’s me, Grian.”
Scar looked at him, slightly dumbfounded, “You? We- you’re my- we’re-” He spluttered.
“Scar calm down!” Grian said, “We-” Grian was interrupted by the school bell ringing, signalling the end of clas, the both stood up and Scar threw his arms around Grian’s neck. Grian smiled and hugged him back.

“Woah Grian!” Iskall said, standing up, “New friend?”

Scar and Grian looked at Iskall, both beaming ear to ear,
“He’s my soulmate!” They both said in unison, Iskall looked surprised.
“Wow dudes!” Iskall said, “I’m so happy for you guys!”
Iskall hugged them both then let go heading towards the door,
“Well I have to go to my next class, see ya dudes!” Iskall said, he turned to Scar, “Take care of him, and remember, if you hurt him, I’ll hurt you.”
And he left.

“I have free period next, so-” Grian told Scar,
“Hey me too!” Scar interrupted him.
“Oh nice! Come on then, I’ll show you around!” Grian said, taking Scar’s hand and leading him off.

Yeah this is weird, I’m not exactly happy with it, but hey, it’s still adorable. (I hope)

I eproof read this without my glasses on so....
I hope y’all enjoyed!


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