Flower Crowns

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Chapter 69, noice, have some Ren/False

Idea from Viola_halogen

False paced back and forth in her base, she cursed herself for sleeping in, for leaving her basein a mess, especially when Stress and Cleo were coming over tonight and her base was messy to no end, with shulker boxes everywhere and even items strewn in chests and barrels littered everywhere.

False groaned and began to move the first box. She was already tired and in a bad mood, and, after she had moved quite a few boxes, the arrival of Ren didn't help.

"Hey False? Are you alright? I heard banging-"
"Go away Ren." False said gruffly, "I don't want to talk."
"I said go away. I'm not in the mood." She growled.
"False listen to me.' Ren said. Putting his hands on the shulker she was holding. She nodded with a glare.
"Obviously you're getting worked up about something, I'm not going to pretend I know what. But you're moving these boxes-"
False interrupted him, "I'm tidying my base for Stress and Cleo who are coming round later."
"Alright, well they're coming over, surely you wouldn't want them to see you like this?" Ren said, "come on! Just take a break, just an hour! Then I'll help you tidy."
"Ok fine." False grumbled. Then she squeaked in surprise as Ren grabbed her arm and shot up out of her base.

"Ok, so…" Ren sat False down on the floor in a field full of flowers, and sat next to her.
"What are we doing here?"
"Right, we're gonna pick the nicest flowers, and make flower crowns for each other, and we can make some for Cleo and Stress too." Ren said, beginning to pick some flowers.
"You sound like a hippie." False said, reluctantly picking a couple of the purple flowers.
"I am a hippie." Ren said with a cheeky grin.
False sighed, "of course you are."

(A few hours later)

False and Ren had a large collection of crowns, one for almost all the hermits. Ren had managed to make False laugh multiple times, which was an achievement.

"Oh no-" False said, catching Ren's attention, she sat up, covered in flower petals.
"What? What's wrong?" Ren asked.
"The sun's going down, Stress and Cleo will be at my base soon" False said, "which is still a mess."
"I promised I'd help you tidy if you came out with me, so come on, let's do this!" Ren said, not losing his positive attitude for even a second.

At False' base they worked quickly to clear all the shulker boxes and other mess. They had got down to a final box when Stress and Cleo flew into the base.

"Are we… interrupting?" Stress said, looking between Ren and False, who were both holding the same box.
"No- no! We're just tidying." False said, giving the box to Ren, who took it and went to put it where the rest of them where the others were,
“S-so, girls night then!” False said, the others nodded eagerly and False lead them to an area where her and ren had set up beanbags and cushions where they could sit.

“Oh fancy-” Stress said, sitting down on a blue beanbag, “Ya didn’t need to do all of this love,”
“Well i mean, this is the first time i’ve hosted this season, I needed to make it nice for you guys,” False said.
“Well you did a brilliant job false.” Cleo said.
“Ahem,” A loud obviously fake cough came from behind them, the girls turned to see Ren leaning on the wall.
“Ren?” Stress said.
“OH yeah, ren helped my tidy and set all this up…” False said, “He also helped me make these-”

False gave the two girls flower crowns, Stress’ was light blue and Cleo’s was red, she put one on her own head (hers was purple) and smiled.
“Soo…” Ren said, coming over, “Have i earned the right to join you gals?”
False laughed, “it’s up to them, i think you’ve earned a favour from me at least.”
Stress smiled, “I’m fine with you being here love,” She said, then added mischievously, “As long as i can paint your nails!”
“Fine with me.” Cleo laughed.
“YAY!” Ren said, sitting down on another beanbag,
“Alright, where’s my nail polish-”

This uhh, happened, whelp, hope you enjoyed!


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