Day 3 : Breeze

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(real world au,
street (stress x Etho)

Stress held a plant pot, in which an allium was sat, the delicate petals of the flower were swaying in the light, cool breeze that fluttered around her

She shivered, putting down the pot on her windowsill and turned around as she heard the door to the house she shared with a few others open, Someone was home.

"Hey Stress" Etho greeted her with a smile in his eyes, joining her on the small balcony.

"The seasons are changing." Stress commented, leaning on the railing, "My flowers will start to wilt soon."

Etho hummed, "But they'll always come back next year."

"Mhm! that's what I love about flowers!" Stress chirped, turning to face the silver haired hermit with a grin.

"Well, the lakes will start freezing over soon." Etho said, "I can't wait."

A bright smile appeared on the short girl's face, her eyes lighting up at the mention of ice.

"The ice Queen! and now I have my king to share it with!" She giggled, bouncing on the balls of her toes, the excitement showing in her face.

Etho laughed, ruffling her hair, "I'm glad we get experience this winter together."

Stress smiled, closing her eyes as the cool breeze wrapped around her, lifting her hair and swirling a few autumn leaves up with it, Etho smiled, leaning back on the wall of the house next to the door.

The pair were used to the cold,it didn't phase them like it did some people, like the person who just burst through the door, wrapped up in a winter coat. and shivering.

"Tango!" stress greeted happily, "What happened to you-?"

"It's freezing out there!" tango yelled, "How are you two just sanding out there? the wind is so cold!"

"It's barely even a breeze." Etho chuckled.

Tango narrowed his eyes at them, wrapping himself further into his coat, even though he was inside, "you two are witches I swear! how are you not cold?"

"We, unlike you, have a cold tolerance!" Stress giggled,

"It's just a breeze." Etho commented.

"Sure." Tango huffed, "Well I'll leave you two to freeze to death, cya."

He turned and walked off, heading into his room, once the door shut, Stress burst out laughing.

"If he can't handle a breeze I don't know what he'll do when winter hits." She giggled.

"We'll probably find him curled up on a radiator in a blanket burrito." Etho laughed with her.

"Sounds adorable." Stress smiled, resting her elbows on the railing and her chin in her hands, letting the breeze tickle her cheeks.

"Not as adorable as you." Etho smirked, reaching to boop her nose, stress giggled and smacked his hand away.

"no u."


new ship that I thought of literally while writing this lmao.

it's cute I think.

I hope you enjoyed


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