Acting Like siblings

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Are you proud of me?
My first S7 one-shot ISN'T Scarian! i know right, surprising.


Doc glared across the room at Bdubs.
“This is my mine.” Doc said firmly, “I labelled it first.”
“You sure about that? Cuz’ the sign clearly states that its MY mine.” Bdubs said,
“No it doesn't. It says it’s mine!” Doc said angrily.
“If ya don’t believe me, go take a look!” Bdubs said, crossing his arms.
“Fine I will.” Doc said, stomping up the stairs to the entrance.
Bdubs smirked as Doc yelled angrily and stomped back down.
“You changed my sign!”
“No i didn’t.”
Doc rolled his eyes, “So the bees did it!?”
“Bees can change signs?” Bdubs asked, confused.
“You are such an idiot.” Doc muttered, “You’re hindering my G.O.A.T skills!”
“You had no G.O.A.T skills to begin with.” Bdubs retorted.
Doc gasped, “how dare you!? I am a G.O.A.T!”
“Then go eat grass.” Bdubs laughed,
“Why you-”

Bdubs placed a line of granite between the two halves of the mine separating them.
“This is my side.” he said, pointing at the side he was stood on, “no coming over here.”
Doc smirked and put his hand over the line, “What are you going to do about it?”
Bdubs spluttered, “How dare you disrespect the mighty line!?”

Bdubs smacked Doc’s hand and Doc put his hand back by his side.
“Resorting to violence eh BDoubleO100?” Doc said,
Bdubs glared at him, “You know i hate the 100 why!?”
“Because it annoys you.” Doc said, smirking, “Now if you’lll excuse me, i have to see to my cat.”


“Where the hell is my cat!? And my lead?”Doc yelled at Bdubs from the line separating the two sides of their house. 
“I did nothing to your cat!? What cat? I didn’t even know you had a cat!” Bdubs yelled back.
“You knew I had a cat because you killed it!” Doc yelled angrily.
“I didn’t kill your cat! I might hate cats, but I wouldn't hurt one! Especially if someone owned it!” Bdubs yelled,
“Then what happened to it huh? And wheres my lead? Leads are really valuable you know!?”
“So you care more about your lead than your cat?” Bdubs said, “That's just cruel.”

“Don’t twist my words!” Doc said, “I loved that cat!”
“Sureee.” Bdubs said, “It definitely wasn’t just a boast to say you have a lead.”
“It wasn’t!” Doc protested, while Bdubs smirked, “What!?”
“Whatever you say, Sheep.” Bdubs said, turning and walking off.
“Its G.O.A.T!” Doc said angrily, but Bdubs was already gone.


Doc put the finishing touches on the bee pen and smiled, looking at BeeDoubleO100’s house in satisfaction. He felt like something was missing.

He looked at his livestream chat and quickly saw the answer, a chimney, He grabbed a couple of cobblestone walls and quickly added a chimney, he stood back and admired his work, he realised he should add another sign to get Bdubs’ attention.

He quickly dodged around the wall that had been put up and grabbed a sign, on it, he wrote:


And then he ran off like he’d done nothing wrong and hid in his Bdubs watching spot, hoping to catch Bdubs’ reaction on camera.


Bdubs approached the sign on the wall, confused. He looked through the open trapdoor to see the Bdubs’ styled bee house, and a sign saying “I love my neighbor”

Extremely confused, Bdubs snuck around the wall to have a closer look, as he approached the bee house, a single bee popped out. Looking closer, Bdubs could see that it was name-tagged “BeeDoubleO100',' Bdubs stared for a few seconds in stunned silence.

“DOOOCCCCCCC!!!” He yelled, “What is this??”
Doc smirked from his hiding place, holding up his camera, filming Bdubs.

“And here we see the infamous Bdubs in its natural habitat, reacting to its name spelt with the “100” as it hates so much-” He jumped when he felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned to see Grian.
“Grian? What are you doing here?” Doc hissed.
“You guys are acting like siblings, im making a documentary!” Grian said, pulling out a camera, taking a picture of Doc then running away over the hill as fast as he could.

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