Shooting Stars

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Another day's prompt, I plan on actually catching up today lol, here's so Area77/Hippies stuff for today, Because I just love it too much.

EDIT: sorry for the false publish ._. I accidentally hit the button too soon.

Prompt: Major angst/fluff


Grian woke up in his RV at around three in the morning, it was dark outside and the stars were shining bright in the clear night sky.

Even though it was still very early, he was full of energy, there was no way he would fall back asleep now, so he jumped up and walked out of the RV, meaning to just take a stroll around the gardens.

That didn’t exactly go to plan.

When Grian stopped daydreaming about flowers and other hippie things he looked around to realise he’d walked straight into Area77 without even realising, he was stood at the door to Captain AngryEyes’ house, as if his subconscious instincts had brought him here, Scar was his boyfriend after all. Grian quickly pushed the door open and went inside, hoping Doc hadn’t been awake to see him.

Grian quickly went up the staircase to find Scar there, asleep on the bed, Grian snuck over, meaning to wake him up.

“Scar- psst- Scar!” Grian said, poking his boyfriend’s face.
“What is it…?” Scar said, looking over at Grian with a yawn, “It’s 3am…”
“I can’t sleepppp” Grian whined, “I want to dO something.”
“At 3am?” Scar said, putting emphasis on the “am” part, rolling over to face the gremlin who was practically bouncing off the walls with energy.
“Yesyesyes!” Grian said, “C’mon please?”
Scar sighted, swinging his legs out of bed reluctantly and standing up with a sigh, “What are you even doing here? You know what would happen if Doc saw you.”
“I woke up and i couldn’t go back to sleep so I went for a walk and my legs decided that they wanted to go here.” Grian said with a smile, “Anyway it doesn’t matter, come on, I have the perfect place we can go!”
Scar shook his head wearily, standing up and looking at Grian with a smile.

Grian grabbed Scars hand and led him outside of the house, Scar let himself be dragged through the fence of Area 77 to the other side, and past the hippie commune into the forest, after they had been walking for a while, Grian turned to him.

“Close your eyes.” He commanded, grinning at Scar, who did as he was told. He was led wordlessly out of the trees and onto the top of a sheer cliff, Grian stopped Scar, so he didn’t walk off of the edge, and took both of his hands in his.
“You can open your eyes now.” He said. Scar did so.

Scar opened his eyes to a miraculous view, at the bottom of the cliff a beautiful forest, bathed in the bright moonlight from the full moon, the trees seemed to glow from the light. A sparkling river flowed through the forest, its water reflecting the bright starlight, a waterfall coming off of a cliff further along from where they stood, the water thundering down and spraying at the bottom, catching the silver moonlight in the droplets and creating a beautiful moonbow effect. Scar was stunned for words.

“It’s beautiful…” Scar breathed, looking over the cliff, his eyes wide in awe.
“I come here sometimes when I can't sleep.” Grian said before pointing up at the sky, “Look up.”
Scar looked up at the stars, twinkling in the night sky, he watched as one streaked across the sky, then another, then more joined them, streaking across the sky leaving a bright light in their wake.

“Aren’t they amazing?” Grian said, putting his arm around Scar, leaning his head on Scar’s shoulder.
“Not as amazing as you.” Scar said, returning the gesture, Grian flushed red, making a string of sounds only identifiable as keyboard smash in real life, and punched Scar playfully in the arm.
“S-shut up.” He said,

Sitting down together on the soft grass, they watched the meteor shower in silence, it was a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other’s company. Eventually Grian fell asleep resting his head on Scar’s chest and it started to get cold out, the meteor shower ended, so Scar picked up Grian carefully and took him back to the hippie commune, tucking him into his bed and leaving him a quick note before going back through the fence to Area 77, as if nothing even happened.


“Did you see the meteor shower last night?” Doc asked Scar absent-mindedly, sorting through a box of junk he’d found somewhere, Scar nodded, his smile bright as the stars that had shone the night before.

“It was beautiful.”


AAAAH Scarian is too cUTE

Yes I'm fangirling over my own oneshot shuddup.

If you want to find Day 5, I did it with Viola_halogen and she posted it earlier in her oneshots book, so go check that out (if you want too) and read her oneshots Because they're amazing.

Anyway hope you enjoyed


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