Day 13: Caroling

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Aka: Grian sings.

Mumbo and Iskall were trying to fix a bit of redstone at Sahara which had been blown up by a creeper. This would have been an easy task had it not been for Grian.

He wasn't exactly getting in the way, or breaking everything, but once in a while he would come up around the corner and play a random Christmas carol and sing along to it with his own words.

It was very frustrating.

Iskall sighed as the music to "Silent night" started playing, soon after, they heard Grian's voice.

"Siiilent night, wiiinter night, all is calm, all is right, but Grian creeps to Mumbo's baseee," Grian sang to the tune "he finds Mumbo AFK again…"

Mumbo shook his head, but he didn't interrupt Grian, he wanted to hear how this song went.

"Take that moustache awayyyyy, take the moustache away." Grian finished, taking the disk and the duke box and running.

Mumbo burst out laughing, despite how annoying it was that Grian was stopping them from fixing Sahara it was still hilarious.

"Dude you have to be careful." Iskall said, laughed, "That gremlin has it in for you."
"Or my moustache." Mumbo said, laughing. Iskall burst out laughing as well, but quickly recovered.
"Quick dude! We gotta finish this redstone of doom before he comes back!" Iskall said.
Very short…

Very weird…

This is what happens when I don't have an idea

I hope you enjoyed my weirdness XD


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