Day 6 : Hayride

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I know this is more commonly done with a tractor, but I saw horses on the wiki and went :0

Also we got some Scarian for y'all today!


Scar hung back a little as Grian bounded around, running up to pet the two beautiful horses that were harnessed up to the wagon packed with hay.

Grian had begged Scar to come on a hayride with him, he'd never been on one before and wanted to have the best experience possible, of course his boyfriend was his first choice of people to bring, and Scar couldn't refuse that, no matter how much this scared him.

It was more the horses than the ride itself, Scar was afraid they'd spook and bolt, or kick the cart and send them flying, but Grian had insisted that it would be more fun this way and he reassured Scar that he'd protect him no matter what, again Scar couldn't refuse him.

And now, as he watched his boyfriend bounce about, petting the black and the grey Cobs in turn, he couldn't help but smile,

"They're names are Darcey and Flick." Grian giggled, appearing next to Scar once again and pointing to each horse as he said it's name, "Old Man John told me."

"Old Man John?" Scar asked woth a wonky smile.

"Yeah! The farmer." Grian said with a grin that reached his eyes, Scar laughed at Grian's excitement, it seemed contagious.

"You kids ready to go?" Said who Scar assumed to be the farmer Grian had nicknames Old Man John.

"Yes! Yes! Scar c'mon!" Grian said with a gasp, grabbing Scars wrist and pulling him over to the cart, hopping in and getting comfortable in the hay, Scar followed, sitting next to him with a small nervous smile.

The ride started and the two horses set off at a steady pace, pulling the hay filled wagon around the farm on a path that was obviously used often.

Scar begun to gain confidence as it went on, watching Grian gawk at every animal and flower and plant they saw as they went, pointing out especially pretty things for Scar to see.

Finally relaxing into the bearing rythem of the horses footsteps and the bouncing of the cart Scar begun to properly enjoy the ride, laughing quietly and pointing out things that Grian missed, eventually he put his arm around the shorter's shoulders and sank into the constant rythem.


"How awesome was that?" Grian yelled as he slid off the cart after Scar, farmer John smiled at the pair, before taking his horses off to be fed. Grian linked Scar's adms, a bright smile on his face.

"It was fun." Scar smiled

"I'm glad I got to experience it with you." Grian said happily as they left the farm together, arm in arm, the perfect pair.


shorter but still AdOraAbLe :D

hope you enjoyed


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