The Convex adventures in Greggs

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So, I realize that the main reason I find this funny may also apply to a lot of you people reading, the fact that you don't live in England, therefore do not know what Greggs is.

Just some brief information, Greggs is a pastry shop, it sells stuff like sausag rolls and pasties as well as stuff like pizza and baked goods like cake and doughnuts.

Basically it's the best thing ever I love it.

Now that you have this information, I hope you enjoy reading this thing which is... Interesting to say the least.

"Hello Scar!" Cub said, walking up to Scar holding Subway sandwich bags, they were in the Minecraft hub (basically real life in Minecraft) and they had decided to get some sandwiches.

"Hey Cub! Got the sandwiches I see." Scar said, smiling at his best friend.
"Yep, here." He handed Scar one of the Subway bags.

"Hmm…" Scar said, eyeing the bag, "This isn't Subway."
Cub was confused, "Yes it is?"
"No it's not." Scar said, laughing.
"Yes it is!" Cub replied, very confused, "I got it-"
"Yes you got it! So it's CUBway! Not Subway!" Scar said, laughed like crazy. Cub shook his head, smiling.
"Alright we're going to KFScar next time.* Cub said, making Scar laugh like crazy.

"Kentucky fried Scar?" Scar said laughing.
"How about Grianggs?" Grian's said, popping up behind them.
"There are so many things wrong with that…* Cub said, "What are you even making a pun of?"
"Greggs." Grian said.
"Whatever that is, I feel sorry for it.* Scar said, laughing.
"You don't have Greggs in America???" Grian gasped, "You're missing out bro." Grian said.
"Are they not Bro!?" Asked Mumbo, popping up out of nowhere.
"They are really not bro." Grian said, "They don't know what Greggs is." Mumbo gasped and put a hand over his mouth.
"Oh my! That's not bro, Bro. We need to call False, this is an emergency!"
Grian got his communicator and called False. He put it on speaker and held it between them, Scar and Cub stood there carrying their Cubway looking terrified.
"Bro?" False said, answering the call.
"Hey bro!" Grian said, followed by the same from Mumbo.
"Wassup Bros?" False said.
"Cub and Scar don't know what Greggs is, bro." Grian said.
"Oh bro…" false said, gasping.
"Oh for goodness sake! They don't have this Greggs in America!" Scar said.
"Bro…" False said, "Wait there Bros, we're going to Greggs."
"Ok sounds good.* Grian said.
"Right… we're going to Greggs I guess.* Cub said,
"Wait." Scar said, taking Cub's subway. He typed something on his communicator and disappeared
"Where'd he go?" Grian asked.
"To put the Cubway in our house, he'll be back in a second.

Scar materialised where he left just as False came up to them.
"Right, let's go to Greggs!"
"WAIT!" Grian said, as False was about to issue the teleport command.
"What??" False said, slightly scared.
"Bdubs and Iskall! We need to include them in this!"
"Ok well text them to come then." Mumbo said, Scar and Cub watched the Dragon bros with curiosity, them both being dead in demise they wondered how the bros work together, and, being outside of hermitcraft, this was the perfect chance.

About three minutes and 47 seconds later Iskall and Bdubs materialised, just as Scar had, within five seconds of eachother.

"Alright, now we can go." False added their names to the tp command and nodded.
"Everyone ready?" She asked, there was a chorus of "yes," "yep" and nods.
"Alright, let's go bros and convex!" False said, hitting enter. They all disappeared and materialised moment's later outside of a large Greggs.
"Welcome all, behold, the king of pastry! Greggs!" Grian said, standing outside the shop with his arms up as if he were presenting the most amazing thing on earth.
More of The convex adventures in Greggs? I'll do it if you want it! I might do it anyway!

I hope you enjoyed!


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