Weird stalker tag? mom come pick me up I'm scared.

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FandomsUnite05 and Viola_halogen tagged me in this, its kinda a little weird and I'm kinda a little scared.

FandomsUnite05 and Viola_halogen tagged me in this, its kinda a little weird and I'm kinda a little scared

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1: Wouldn't you like to know?

2: Drawing, Writing, playing Minecraft, reading, playing stardew valley, procrastinating, some other stuff that's probably not useful ever.

3: dunno I'm on my laptop ill go get that later, but my laptop background while we wait:

3: dunno I'm on my laptop ill go get that later, but my laptop background while we wait:

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its a slideshow of a load of night sky pictures lol

phone homescreen:

literally change that yesterday lol

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literally change that yesterday lol

5: I don't even know what I'm doing tomorrow.

6: uh- I got like- idk 7 hours of sleep? maybe? I don't remember, but whatever it was it was good for me at least. 

7: like 3 irl and 6 online.

8: Math can go burn I hate it.

9: used to be art but GCSE art is hell so probably Geography or history idk

10: the UK :D

11: uh- no. Ball sports are horrible, running is ok, I like running but not competitively or anything, I also love horse riding, I always forget that's a sport qwq

12: I think so? I mean I'm not unhealthy

13: I am priceless because we don't freaking sell people. 

14: I usually judge by song rather than a singer, half the time I don't even know who sang the songs I like, so no. 

15: yes, a very annoying younger sister.

16: yes, I think my art is pretty good but it's really not compared to some people in this community.

17: you think I know? I just do what they send us I don't even know anymore lol, but if it was regular school id have 5. 

18: um- nooooo? why would you think that? (goosy, Crystal ily both <3)

19: single?

20: the heck does this even mean-?

I'm not tagging people because I cannot be bothered qwq


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