Evil gone Good (5)

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EX took his boat over to Grian's giant white and cyan pillar of a base, he accidentally crashed the boat into the terracotta and fell out so he had to swim round to the only gap in the wall. 

EX pulled himself up onto the giant bridge in front of Grian's base, He should have gotten used to it the amount of times he'd rowed past it but it looked even bigger standing in front of it. EX shook his head, now is not the time to marvel at a big build. 

Inside the base were two water bubble thingies that took you up and down from the floor to the entrance. As EX didn't trust the elevators one bit he decided simply to jump and take a little damage.

In the centre of Grian's base EX placed a chest of cookies on the floor with a note saying "-EX" just so Grian new who it was from. Once he was done he turned around, looking up at the way he came in, quickly realising that he couldn't get back up again. He looked around for another way out but there wasn't one. EX sighed and sat down with his back against the chest, there was no getting out, at least until Grian got back.

---- (two hours later)

Grian soared back to his base, he had spent the day grinding quartz and sand for his shop. 

He gracefully landed on the bridge and walked to the entrance of his base, he was about to fly down when he noticed a red-armoured figure sleeping next to a chest. He cocked his head to the side and shrugged. Grian let himself float down to the floor of his base and walked over to the figure. 

Grian looked from the chest to the person, whom he had identified as EX, and decided that they were probably connected somehow. Grian carefully opened the chest, inside was a box of cookies with a note. Grian was confused, why would EX leave me cookies? And why is he still here? Deciding that he would get to the bottom of this, Grian knelt down and gently shook EX’s shoulder to wake him up.

EX woke up to someone shaking his shoulder, his mind was foggy from sleep and he was confused at why someone was in his house. He quickly batted the hand away and opened his eyes slightly, all he could see was white, Am I in heaven? He thought, he tilted his head and saw a smiling face, he opened his eyes properly and realised that he was looking at Grian, and that he was in Grian’s base.

“Oh hey!” Grian said, “You’re awake! So uhh, why were you sleeping on my floor?”

EX stood up quickly, he hadn’t meant to fall asleep, he had only been resting his eyes.

“Um…” EX said, “I couldn’t get out.”

“Of my base?” Grain asked, confused, “You just go up the water!”

“I don’t trust those things.” EX huffed, giving the water elevators a side glance.

“You could also get out by elytra, how come you don’t have onoe?” Grian asked.

“I don’t know how.” EX replied.

“So you gave up?” Grian asked.

“Yes.” EX replied, there was an awkward silence after this while Grian thought about how to deal with the situation.

“Well, I could teach you!” He said happily, “Then once you can fly you can get out of my base!”

"You would teach me?" EX asked, his eyes lighting up with hope, Stress was lovely to him, but no-one had ever offered to teach him anything.

"Of course! Wait here, I'll get my spare elytra." Grain said.

EX leaned on the cookie chest while he watched Grian jump around, searching through his enormous mess of a storage system for an elytra.

"Aha! Found it!" Grian said, walking back over with th elytra in his hands. 

After a few painful hours of painful teaching and EX throwing a tantrum because he couldn't do it, he finally managed to fly properly, Grain cheered from the floor as EX flew steadily around his base.

"I think you're ready to be free!" Grian said, "here, take these!" 

EX picked up the rockets that were thrown to him by the short hermit, 

"Thanks." EX said.

"Hey! How about you come with me to the shopping district?" Grian suggested, 

"Uhhh sure I guess… I have nothing better to do." EX said, shrugging. 

"Come on then!" Grian said,taking off into the air and rocketing straight out of his base, EX followed after a few tries.

The two flew together to the shopping district, checking out the new shops that were popping up in the district.

"So," Grian said, "What have you been up to? I haven't seen you at all since you first got here."

"Oh not much." Said EX, feeling more comfortable around Grian after spending most of the day with him, "I built myself a house, locked myself in the house, and lived on stress's cookies." 

Grian made a face, *that doesn't sound fun, have you not talked to the others on the server?" 

"Nah not much, I like it though, being able to talk to Stress when I want but not being forced to socialize." 

Hey guys!

I just realized that that ending sounds really bad and abrupt, but don't WORRY! Because there's another part tomorrow!

(Btw: if you didn't know, Iskall is doing a Funcraft livestream to raise money for Lovetropics so go donate, it's at 10pm GMT :) it supports taking action against climate change so go donate if you can!)

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