Day 24: Christmas Eve

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My dad came up with this idea. He has absolutely no idea about hermitcraft. So umm…. This is what i got when i asked for an idea XD.

This linked with the one with Scar's volcano erupting.


Almost all the hermits where in a small cafe that some of the hermits had set up together to celebrate christmas eve. Stress had decided to bake cookies and make hot chocolate to try and relieve the tension caused by the eruption of Scar’s volcano.

Every hermit was afraid of lava flows that could easily penetrate the surface. Xisuma had warned them of the possibility of the lava erupting spontaneously from the ground, so Stress and Grian had teamed up to put all of the hermits in a better mood.

Grian and Stress, as well as Iskall, who was helping to hand out the treats and keep everyone in a good mood, were in the small kitchen of the cafe when they heard frantic screaming from the main seating area.

The three rushed out only to be stopped by a large stream of lava flowing freely through the cafe. All of the hermits who were there were gathered on one side of the cafe in a large group. X, Cub and Doc were trying to get everyone out calmly. The lava has set a blaze on the wooden floor of the cafe which was quickly spreading and seeing that the cafe backed onto a mountain there was nowhere for Stress, Grian and Iskall to go.

“X! Help!” Stress called.
“Stress?” X said, turning around, looking over, “Doc, Cub! We need to help them!”
“Quickly! The fire is spreading!” Grian called, terrified for his life.
“Don’t worry! We’re going to build you a bridge.” X said, “Cub, Doc go and get some stone that we can make a bridge with.” X said.

-10 minutes later-

Grian, Stress and Iskall were currently standing together on four blocks of birch planks surrounded by lava.
“Guys! We got some stuff! We’re coming to get you!” Cub yelled.
“Please be quick!” Yelled Iskall, “There isn’t much left to stand on here!”

Cub and Doc quickly built over the bubbling lava with any different rock based blocks that they could find. When they made it they grabbed the three and brought them back across the makeshift bridge, which was already crumbling due to the heat.

They reached safe ground again and were greeted with hugs and happiness from all of the hermits who had stayed to see if they’d make it out, which was most of them.

Each hermit split off in there own way, though most to go and sleep after the events that had happened, to calm their nerves but also knowing that it would be christmas in the morning.

I'm sorry this is so late! But I hope you enjoyed anyway!


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